Boot Camp Marketing With The “Ask And You Shall Receive” Method

Have you ever heard the old saying, "Ask and you shall receive"?

Well my coaching client Garrie O'Neill DEFINITELY has!

In fact not only has he quadrupled his business over the last 5 months, but now, thanks to his email I'm about share with you, his business is experiencing another HUGE growth spurt.

Here's the email he sent (see below)


Hi all,

I am currently running a promotion in which you could attain 30% off your next month’s membership!

In order to avail of this offer, all you need to do is place a Bodyshape Fitness Bootcamp lead box in any local business for at least a month, where potential future clients are likely to be consumers (e.g. beauty salon, hair dressers, restaurants, Garden centre etc.).

The box is smaller than a shoe box, bears the Bodyshape Fitness Bootcamp logo and its purpose is to attract new clients.

If you own such a business or know of anywhere suitable, contact me, or speak to me at Bootcamp.

The first ten clients from each Bootcamp (Malahide, Swords, Portmarnock) who contact me with a location and managements permission for a lead box will receive 30% off their next month’s membership.

It’s that Simple!

P.S Remember it is the first 10 from each Bootcamp location!!! So confirm and get back to me ASAP with business name and location.

P.P.S. If you have any television contacts that you can send me that result in me getting on TV or the radio, you'll also earn 30% of next month's membership.

Best Wishes,

Kind Regards

Garrie O'Neill

BodyShape Fitness Bootcamp

Ph: 0868847843




Simple right?

Garrie got over a dozen lead boxes placed and a ton of radio and TV connections...

Do you have an email list?

If so, shoot this email to your list today...

The Subject line was: Save 30% off your next months boot camp.

Blast it out and let me and Garrie know the results.

Also be sure to thank Garrie for allowing me to share this email, that was SUPER COOL of him.


Posted in Uncategorized by Steve Hochman | 6 Comments

6 Comments "Boot Camp Marketing With The “Ask And You Shall Receive” Method"

  • royce says:
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