Boot Camp Strategies

Marketing for Personal Trainers and Fitness Sales Strategies

Posted by on October 5, 2012 at 4:31 pm

You could be the best fitness trainer on the planet, but if nobody knows you’re there, you’ll end up with an unprofitable business or doing another job you have absolutely no passion for or working for somebody else. That’s why learning about effective marketing for personal trainers is so important.

The problem is that the whole subject of marketing can be daunting. You may find it easy to talk to people about health and fitness, but when it comes to talking about money and getting them to sign up for your services, you morph into a quivering jellyfish.

You might find marketing online a total breeze because it can appear so impersonal, but when it comes to approaching a business owner about offering your services to his entire staff, you quake in your Nikes.. You can’t even cold call one potential client because your brain turns to mush.

Marketing for Personal Trainers is Simple…

… if you understand how it works, and that will involve knowing some psychology and perhaps stepping outside of your own comfort zone. If you don’t master the art of marketing all the way through to closing, you may as well get a telemarketing job. Well maybe not, because that involves a certain amount of persuasion too. (more…)

The Mindset of a Small Fitness Business Owner

Posted by on September 28, 2012 at 9:08 am

fitness business - mindset I remember when I first started out as a small business owner.  Enthusiasm and adrenaline helped me through the initial planning stages and luckily I had set aside enough money to pay a few months’ rent in advance plus my living expenses. My good credit score also allowed me to borrow money at a decent rate to purchase some basic equipment.  The property I liked was a wreck inside and I had to add new bathrooms, showers, upgrade the air conditioning and electrical system, install a sound system and leave enough left over to start a marketing campaign.

Plan Ahead

If you want to start a fitness business you must plan ahead.  Even finding the right, affordable property might take you a lot longer than you anticipate.  In the fitness business it’s nice if the property can be in a high traffic location but if it isn’t then you have to make up for that lack of visibility with additional advertising and marketing. (more…)

Top 3 Online Fitness Marketing Strategies

Posted by on September 26, 2012 at 11:22 am

Marketing is a confusing world especially if you’re specifically trying to promote your fitness business online. Perhaps you decide to go for article marketing because you’re a good writer. Maybe you’re great at making videos, and if  you like spending hours on social media sites you can also do well promoting your services via Twitter, FaceBook or the myriad of other similar sites. Marketing your fitness center sounds easy doesn’t it? It can be if you have hours to spare, but remember you’re not making any money while you’re experimenting!

Let’s take writing articles first. If nutrition and losing weight are a major part of your business, then article writing can work. But who do you submit your article to? There’s,,,,,,, and dozens of others.

For your videos, again you can submit them to any or all of the many video marketing sites – not just YouTube. There’s Vimeo, Metacafe,, Viddler and a bunch of others that will all bring thousands of hits to your videos from all over the world.

But yours is a Local Business!fitness Marketing Strategies_local business

It’s great to see you’ve had thousands of hits and views of course, but if the time you’re investing isn’t bringing you clients and referrals, the few dollars you may make from advertising on your site isn’t going to cover the bills.

Local businesses must look at the smaller picture where the internet is concerned regarding fitness marketing strategies, or risk wasting time and energy that doesn’t bring results. The following are three of the best ways to get your business found online, that will bring positive results:


How To Build A List For Your Fitness Business

Posted by on September 24, 2012 at 4:24 pm

First and foremost, you need a tool to be able to start, grow and deliver to your list. While there are many services that do these basic things online if you are in the fitness business, signing up for Fit Pro Newsletter fitness newsletter is pretty much a no-brainer. As it does all the most basic things but it also sends your list professionally written newsletters with amazing content for you and much more - see below.

Growing a List

If you want to build a thriving fitness business you have to build a list. There’s no way around it. With most types of online business and those who have to rely heavily on an online presence to get new business and referrals (who doesn’t these days) the business owner will have to do it alone and that can be a pain in the butt.

First you have to build some kind of list without offering anything to get those email addresses. You have to decide how often you’re going to send out your emails and newsletters and then you have to research what your target audience wants or needs, because providing low quality or irrelevant stuff will mean they either don’t read your newsletter or they unsubscribe and that will be a big waste of time.

Fitness Email Marketing - Fit Pro Newsletter (more…)

Fit Body Boot Camp Franchise Cost

Posted by on September 19, 2012 at 9:39 am

Imagine you are getting ready to go somewhere …somewhere you have never been before. This place is said to be SCARY…all kinds of people and situations that could hurt you…emotionally, physically and DEFINITELY financially. You’re nervous…unsure if you are really up for the challenge…you start second guessing yourself and eventually decide…SCREW IT, and you don’t go.

You just stay where you are, in a place that is comfortable, that you control and while it may not be as exciting as the place you were gonna go, at least you know nothing bad will happen.

Now, imagine you were going to go to that SAME place, but this time, you had a few friends with you. These friends have been to this place before and they can tell you EXACTLY what is going to happen…exactly what to do and what to say so that not only does nothing bad happen to you, but plenty of AMAZING things happen, enriching your life, making you have the best time you have ever had and you come out of the experience a better, more successful and extremely more fulfilled person…yeah, that second scenario sounds pretty cool, huh?

IN case you haven’t figured it out yet, these scenarios are awesome analogies to the world of owning your own business (yeah and in this case, we are talking about owning your own boot camp business!).

Owning a business of ANY kind is scary and can be especially so in the world of fitness. You know there are upsides to working for yourself and doing so in an industry that you love, but there are SOOOO many downsides! To name just a few things you will have to think about and do…

  • Come up with a name
  • Lock into a business model that will be profitable
  • Build a website that converts
  • Get your business info in front of potential clients
  • Interact on social media sites in a way that compels others to give your boot camp a try
  • Offer fitness programs that GET RESULTS (yep, that’s a BIGGIE)
  • Create an experience that ensure clients stay, refer others and keep paying month after month…
  • And…about 273 OTHER things you have to do that are CRUCIAL for your survival in the fitness boot camp game…

It is this long (and growing list) of STUFF that you have to take care of that leads many people to shut down their fitness boot camp before any real success and many more to decide NOT to start in the first place.

BUT…what if you had that group of friends we mentioned above that could walk you through EVERY bullet point that exists and provide a path that leads from the start of your boot camp to the end goal of operating a profitable, fun, and rewarding fitness business with few of the hazardous bumps and bruises that those who go it alone experience?

Enter Fit Body Boot Camp.

Fit Body Boot Camp was created to walk first time boot camp owners through the process of startup to the point of incredible profitability. It was designed to take the GUESSWORK out of the business and replace it with sound, proven, and wildly successful plans, systems, and procedures so you aren’t walking along in the dark on a path to the unknown, but instead are walking hand in hand (pretty much LITERALLY) with a team of people who are committed to seeing your business SUCCEED…and not just succeed in terms of paying the bills, but succeed in terms of giving you and your family every bit of success you have always dreamed of. Sounds pretty cool, but you probably want a few specifics, huh? Makes sense…

Ok, so FBBC is a franchise, and the word FRANCHISE scares the crap out of a lot of people! They think huge upfront fees, paying a percentage of profits, having to do things THEIR way…all kinds of STRINGS attached…well, not so much with Fit Body Boot Camp.

See, we are exactly like you…fitness is our passion, and we have been EXACTLY where you are. This is not some stuffy suit corporate behemoth where a bunch of chubby dudes sit around a table deciding how they are gonna milk their clients.

We get excited about helping others achieve the same levels of success we did…we just know that with our guidance, they can do so a lot more quickly, and with a LOT less out of pocket expense! So, instead of some ginormous upfront fee and then grabbing a chunk of your profits, so what is the cost of a Fit Body Boot Camp Franchise and how does it work?

$9997 upfront fee (which in many cases can be split into smaller payments WITHOUT an added fee)

$497 monthly franchise fee

That’s it.

Now, when someone compares the above numbers with typical franchise fees, well, there’s no comparison. We have done the homework and made ALL the mistakes so you will never have to. We give you a business model that WILL work, has worked, and because we are constantly tweaking it to make it better, will probably ALWAYS work!

We are talking from discussion to incredibly rewarding financial success…all there for the taking. And as for the fees, well, most franchise models require huge startup fees (ANY national gym or fitness franchise will  run into the tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars just for the upfront fee) and they also ask for a PERCENTAGE of your revenue.

So in effect, the more successful you get, the more you are penalized by having to pay increasingly higher fees. So, if your boot camp starts pulling in 20k per month (VERY common by the way) and your franchise fee was 6%-8% (again, very common) then you are giving away $1200-$1600 EVERY month! Ours would still be just $497. Oh, and if, like some of your FBBC owners you are pulling in $40,000 or more…you would still be paying $497…

Look, the bottom line is, you can ABSOLUTELY go it alone. Many do, some succeed, but a ridiculously higher percentage fail. It’s scary, it’s hard, and mistakes are expensive. Why worry about trying to figure it out on your own when we have created a system that provides a veritable blueprint for boot camp success.

Yeah…it really CAN be that simple. If you want to be your own boss, doing what you love, and own THE killer boot camp in your city, then why not grab a plan of proven success? FBBC will be there every step of the way, and greatly improve your chances for success.

If owning a profitable fitness boot camp has been your dream, then FBBC CAN make it happen…fill out an inquiry today and be on your way to owning a wildly successful boot camp business tomorrow. FBBC is ready to help make your dreams come true…are YOU?


Learn more about Fit Body Boot Camp Franchise Cost and see if there are territories available in your area.

A Closer Look Into Fit Body Boot Camp Franchise

Posted by on September 12, 2012 at 4:05 pm

What makes the Fit Body Boot Camp Franchise Model Unique?

The answer to the million dollar question above are the four S.

These four simple words are the pilars responsible for the rapid growth of the Fit Body Boot Camp fitness franchise locations.

Support, Systems, Sales and Services.

Let's dissect it further...


Personal Trainer Marketing Ideas for New Fitness Pros

Posted by on September 10, 2012 at 12:15 pm

Even if you did manage to persuade your bank manager or your grandmother to help finance your business, at some point you’re going to have to think long and hard to come up with the most effective ways of personal training marketing.


A Business Loan Application must Contain a Solid Marketing Plan

fitness-marketing-ideas-loanIndeed, if you’re about to go cap in hand to your bank manager you probably already know you’ll have to draw up a solid business plan – and a large part of it must contain your personal trainer marketing plan if you want to get that loan.

How much are you going to ask for? This is a question only you can answer, but bear in mind that the majority of small businesses fail within their first three years, and very often because they’re under-funded.

You should have at least six-months of expenses tucked away, so you can pay rent, bills, insurance and marketing costs etc., and have enough money left over to eat, pay your personal bills and put gas in your car! You must be absolutely certain of how much you need to run your business and pay your personal expenses. (more…)

Top Ways To Boost Retention In Your Fitness Business

Posted by on August 26, 2012 at 10:50 pm

Out of all the top numbers you must manage on your Fitness Business retention is by far the one trainers pay least attention.

It is also the easiest to control and master since it takes a great deal of common sense.

Retention starts from any communication you have with a prospect and is an endless quest.

Make sure all communication with your prospects, clients and past clients are done in a professional but relaxed manner. Greet all your clients by first name and make sure to say good bye to each of them at the end of each session.

From the time a prospects walk through your facility’s door they must have an immediate positive impression. A place must at a minimum be How you deliver those results though can be a big differentiator.clean and smell good.

Fitness facilities tend to smell “sweaty” and you don’t smell it if you are the one sweating but for a client walking in, that has not worked out for a while (if ever) it can be very negative.

They say a house buyer decides if the house is a possibility or not within the first fifteen seconds in it. Even though there are no scientific studies like this for fitness I believe it is also true.

Let’s agree that you are all good trainers that can deliver results. So I won’t bother telling you that you actually have to deliver results to your clients as this is a given. How you deliver those results though can be a big differentiator.

You trainer should always be helpful and mindful of all your clients. Giving them attention and recognition goes a long way.

Always being on time is another big one. Nothing will turn a client off more than having to wait for a trainer or even worst, waiting and the trainer not showing up.


Exposing The Truth About Bedros Keuilian Scam Rumors

Posted by on August 15, 2012 at 4:37 pm


Contact: Bedros Keuilian
Company: PTPower
Phone: (800) 261-0208


Bedros Keuilian Speaks Out

 USA: Bedros Keuilian, owner of PT Power and creator of such products as the FitPro Newsletter and The Art of Selling Fitness, has spoken out about the unscrupulous rumors about him and his products that hit the internet a while back. Google searches for the term ‘Bedros Keuilian scam’ turn up some abusive and highly suspect posts from several people.

“I’m shocked and disappointed at having been the target of some unscrupulous scam accusations online,” Bedros said recently. “It’s telling that none of these people seem to be willing to provide their real names, preferring instead to hide behind a fake user name or identity.”

Unfortunately Bedros Keuilian is not the first entrepreneurial success story to have been on the receiving end of such scam rumors. Fortunately many of the scam stories have been responded to not by Bedros himself, but by many of his satisfied customers. Indeed one particularly abusive accusation was responded to by several clients who all testified to how much success they have achieved since investing in one of his programs.

“While the internet has made it easy for people to establish their own businesses, it has also made it easy for some people to abuse others behind a fake name,” Bedros explained. “Honest people can have their business and image damaged online by unscrupulous agenda driven people, and this is what happened to me – an honest person who has helped many others in the past. It’s a shame these people feel the need to try and ruin honest business people. However with that said, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all my clients who stood up and responded to these people, without any prompting from me. I was very touched by that.” (more…)