How To Rock Your Fitness Boot Camp Profits By Adding Boxing Workouts
Posted by Steve Hochman on Sat. May. 23rd, 2009
I interviewed this MANIAC from Brooklyn New York named Bryan Ortiz AKA "The Fitness Demon"
He's been KILL'N it with his boot camps in Brooklyn and making them stand out from his competition by adding boxing to his workouts.
This has had two HUGE impacts on his boot camp profits because...
- He is getting more clients with his boot camp marketing because it's different then his competition (He has TONS of competition in NYC)
Because there are so many variations of boxing workouts, his boot camp workouts stay FRESH and NEW which ads HEAPS of VALUE and longer CLIENT RETENTION.
I know that to stay PASSIONATE you have to constantly learn new ways to KICK your client's butts...
You know how when you learn a cool new routine your like, "Oh, your gonna get it today... I got a new workout that's gonna kick your butt!"
You get excited and your boot campers get excited!
Remember my A.P.E principals
Appreciation -
ALWAYS profusely THANK your clients when they come in... And thank them for a great workout when they leave!
Passion -
Stay passionate by constantly learning new stuff, and kicking your client's butts with it... It ads TONS of VALUE and they'll love ya for it.
Enthusiasm -
Know what your life's DREAM is... And when you get up in the morning and go to your boot camp... Don't do it for ypur clients... Do it because it's the next logical step to achieving your LIFE'S DREAM.
You'll End up delivering WAY more ENERGY then your clients expect... And it will be a HUGE WIN-WIN for both of you!
Listen to my interview with the "Fitness Demon" here
Or you can download it below by right clicking and "save target as" or "save link as"
Interview with Bryan Ortiz
To learn more about Bryan Ortiz and his Boxing For Profits system visit
And be sure to leave a comment cuz I want to know what you think
Posted in Blog, Boot Camp Marketing, Boot Camp Strategies, Fitness Marketing by |