My phone number :)

>> Last chance to buy Boot Camp Formula 5 now <<

What would you tell a potential client if they asked you this...

Hey, what's the difference between READING a book on fitness and TRAINING with you?

You'd be like REALLY... Did you just ask me that?

Of course the results are gonna be drastically different when you train with a professional...

But if you want to see for yourself EXACTLY what Boot Camp Formula 5 can do for you... WATCH THIS VIDEO

Or if you have any questions about if Boot Camp Formula 5 is right for you, call me 949 422 7984 (If I don't answer it's cuz I'm on the phone so leave a message and I'll call ya back.

This number will go straight to my cell phone...

Remember, BCF5 closes today (Tue) at midnight.

Again my number is 422-7984

Rock my friend,


Ps... The is the coolest video ever

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