Should you consider starting a Fitness Boot Camp Business?

You’re good at what you do, let’s face it. You know a lot about the Fitness Business.

You regularly, if not daily, put in hours of extra work that adds to your own knowledge about nutrition for example, and you investigate the latest techniques for helping your clients achieve their own personal fitness or weight loss goals.

Not to mention maintaining your blog or website and dealing with offline and online marketing to boost your client base.  You don’t have a minute to spare.

In order to walk the walk, you also spend hours trying to stick to your own fitness goals. You’re a human billboard for what you do after all, and it’s vitally important to maintain that image.

Are you running your business, or is your PT business running you?

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What about your own financial goals? You know your expenses and you know exactly what your earning potential is each week.  Could you comfortably afford to buy a house or a new car without worrying? Thought so.

You may have even thought about adding a few more paying clients each week, but that would mean you have no time for your loved ones and no time to relax, which is very important if you want to keep your sanity.

This is why you should seriously think about adding a Fitness Boot Camp to your business.

fitness-boot-camp-businessBulk up your Client Base

The term Boot Camp conjures up mental images of Navy Seals going through grueling maneuvers and Army recruits being stretched to their limits.

It’s a good term, because only those who have realized they need some serious shaping up will be looking for a Fitness Boot Camp.

What else could you call a Boot Camp if you wanted to attract serious members who will come back week after week, looking for the best results? A Ladies Fitness Group? Oh please, I have visions of white haired old ladies with a cup of tea in one hand.

Just Fitness Camp? No, it lacks that word that gives the term some serious connotations.  Some Oomph.

If you want to develop your business, why would you continue charging for six hourly personal training sessions each day, five days a week when you could run one Boot Camp once a week with thirty participants and make the same amount of money?

If you’re serious about your fitness training business, believe me, one successful Fitness Boot Camp can improve everything, your finances especially. Marketing will eventually drop down on your list of priorities too. You may get one referral from one client every blue moon. Big deal.  The rest of the time you’re running ads and handing out business cards.

With a Boot Camp you’ll be crowd sourcing your marketing – for free! Let’s say you get thirty people per session signing up. They’re all going back out into the world and talking about their experiences to their colleagues, friends, family and neighbors. That’s potentially thousands of people!  Its social media at its most effective.  You need local people, and a growing local market share you will get.

Sorry Mrs. Smith I’m booked up for the next month, unless you can come at midnight. Oh that’ll work. Try this instead: How about joining my Boot Camp Mrs. Smith? I run them x times a week, at a convenient time for you and you’ll meet lots of people who are in the same situation as you are.  It’s a great way to meet people, swap tips and ideas and if you’re in business, a great place to network too.

If you’re always booked up, word will get around. You may even start ignoring calls from people needing your help, because you know you don’t have the time to accommodate any new clients. That’s the WORSE thing you can do, but why the devil are you turning away money?

No, with your own series of Fitness Boot Camps, tailored to different clients’ needs, you’ll never be tempted to do that ever again! You will always have an opening for every new client you’ve spent your hard-earned marketing dollars trying to attract.

The Competitive Spiritstarting-a-fitness-business-boot-camp

How many times have you had a client cancel on you, because you suspect she’s not feeling too enthusiastic?

Boot Camps are like church, everyone is focused on the same thing and when one person sings everyone else joins in.

People work much harder when they’re in a group situation. They’re not about to let their peers do better than they do! They push themselves harder, and want to emulate others’ success and enjoy themselves too.

You’ll find yourself having a lot more fun as well. Each Boot Camp session will be different. You won’t be one-on-one with some hopeless case that can’t stop eating or has the armpits from hell.

You’ll have so many referrals you’ll have to start another camp. I guarantee you will see your financial situation improve rapidly.

You may even be able to enlist the help of a good assistant, who can join in, follow your methods, then take over when you’re doing other things – like taking a long-needed vacation.

As people get used to seeing each other at every session they’ll make friends and they’ll encourage each other, making the job of client retention a lot easier.  Dropout rates for Boot Camps are low because of this.  If you can run an enjoyable Boot Camp, people will look forward to it.

You’ll get a huge mix of personalities in a Fitness Boot Camp. In fact if you run two or three a week you could tailor your Boot Camps to the type of clients you’re attracting, maybe one for seniors and people who need to exercise to help with disabilities, one for the suntanned, sports-loving beautiful people, and yet another for the seriously overweight.

Don’t be afraid to get your video camera out during your sessions. Post the best clips on your blog or website and, with permission, add before and after pictures of your most successful clients. Encourage feedback and comments and you’ll end up with a thriving community online and a lot of very happy campers offline.

You can get all the training and support you need to start your own Fitness Boot Camp here - Discover Fit Body Boot Camp today.

Posted in Boot Camp Business, Boot Camp Marketing, Boot Camp Strategies, How To Start a Fitness Boot Camp Business, Lifestyle, Lifestyle and Self Improvement, Mindset and Lifestyle, Personal Training Business by Steve Hochman | 1 Comment

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