The TRUTH about Boot Camp Formula 5

I was pretty blown away when Dustin sent me this unexpected video...

AND I was pretty shocked that Dustin Maher broke the law by speeding in his Beamer HA!

Can you imagin how amazing Dustin must feel to go from living in a trainer park, to making $50k a month and living his dream lifestyle...

I mean how cool is it to cruz around in your BMW  and see all your boot camps packed with clients and being taught by other trainers.

What a feeling 🙂

This is exactly why I created Boot Camp Formula 5 for you.

And that is why I decided to include THREE WEEKS of coaching calls with BCF5.

But the doors and the opportunity close in just 2 more days, so if you wnt in, now's your chance.

To learn more about Boot Camp Formula 5 go here

Posted in Uncategorized by Steve Hochman | 7 Comments

7 Comments "The TRUTH about Boot Camp Formula 5"

  • Monty says:
  • paul barrett says:
  • Dr G. says:
  • Dustin says:
  • Dr G says:
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