From: Steve Hochman
Date: November 10, 2010
Orange County, CA
Dear Fellow Success minded
Fitness Professional,
My friend, I’m in a position to clear a path straight to a six-figure fitness business for you.
And if you’re serious enough about success that you’re ready to hire a coach, then you might as well hire the industries undisputed authority on building six-figure boot camps.
And I’m not just saying this to brag about how many of the “gurus” in the industry subscribe to my blog, buy my products and literally have their eyes glued to every move I make (Dude, it’s crazy…)
But I say this because it’s an absolute fact.
Not only have I co-created the FASTEST growing boot camp franchise on the planet, but it also just became the BIGGEST in the world as well.
And I don’t just “talk” about having a life of freedom, fun and an amazing lifestyle, I’ve been “living” it.
So when I tell you that I just developed the most powerful, complete and guaranteed to explode your businesses coaching program that’s gonna change your life, I friggin mean it.
In other words, if you want to blow up your boot camp, create freedom by having
other trainers make you money while you sleep in, and finally know what the
word "freedom" means, then isn't it smart to cut-to-the-chase and go
straight to the source?
But before you listen to another word of what I say, check out what other success minded fitness professionals are saying first…
Back in the day before I was well known in the fitness marketing world and had a popular blog.
I used to live with my mom and made $8 bucks an hour. I only had 2 personal training clients and I had no idea how to build my personal training business.
I sat down with Steve Hochman about 6-7 years ago and he laid out a formula for me so simple and easy to follow that in few months I was making 6 figures.
I would not be where I am today had I not of sat down with Steve those 7 years ago
I went from zero to 6 figures literally overnight with his simple formula.
“Steve, I want to thank you, your stuff works!”
Chris “Market Annihilator” McCombs
“Steve Hochman is one of the most innovative, out of the box fitness marketers that I know of.
If you want to spend a whole bunch of money on advertising and marketing then Steve is probably not the man for you, BUT if you want to start making some SERIOUS DOUGH on a shoe string budget then I don’t know of anyone that does it better than Steve.”
“Seven Figure” Sam Bakhtiar
Knowing what I know today if I could go back twelve years and start my personal training business over I
would do two things differently to leap frog my competitors and get to massive success in half the time.
I would pick a niche and position myself to that niche.
I would hire Steve Hochman to coach and consult me at any cost.
I’ve personally seen Steve’s client getting prowess and it’s second to none.
One simple teleseminar I conducted for my coaching clients with Steve as the guest produced the following results:
One trainer got 36 new clients within 10 days with a simple system Steve shared.
Another trainer got 21 new clients with in seven days by using one of Steve’s human billboard two step email sequence.
In fact I’m so impressed with Steve’s ability to take any fitness business from stand still to a pace of six figures in 90 days or less that I asked him to partner with me on my BIGGEST project (Fit Body Boot Camp) – and I don’t just partner with anyone.
Bedros Keuilian
When I first started out I was following the “herd” and running my fitness business all wrong.
I remember being so frustrated because I could barley break $50k a year.
Then I met Steve and using just two of his simple marketing and business formulas, I went from making $52,000 per year to generating over $207,00
0 per year.
And now I have completely stopped training clients and just have other trainers working for me while I generate dozens of leads a week.
“Steve has always helped my from day 1, it’s because of you Steve that I am where I’m at today,
Thank You!”
Jon “Jungle” Jung
I’ve learned so much from Steve. Boot Camp Formula 5 has completely exploded my training business.
His marketing formulas are quick, easy and low cost.
This month I hit $12,197 and the month isn’t even over yet.
I HIGHLY recommend Steve Hochman to any fitness professional who is sick and tires of struggling to make ends meet like I was.
Kardena “Raw” Pauza
Damn right you can.
And I bet you didn't know that many of the fitness professionals featured on this page
were NOT natural born builders?
In fact, before I coached Chris McCombs to a six-figure training business seven
years ago, I watched him struggle for a good six months to get more than 2 clients.
...And then he took massive action on exactly what I told him to do and just look at where he is now.
And the reason is because Coaching Factor 4 is by far the most POWERFUL, PROVEN and COMPLETE coaching program that I've ever developed.
Here's what you're going to get when you join coaching Factor 4
Factor 1
This is where via unlimited phone calls and emails I personally spoon feed you the very same TESTED and PROVEN fitness marketing and business building secrets that have made it possible for my coaching clients to have more money, freedom and fun then they ever dreamed possible.
I hold nothing back from my coaching clients… This is the real deal.
Factor 2
When I launched the now famous “Boot Camp Formula 5” I discovered an amazing breakthrough.
By having 2 group coaching calls a week for 21 days, the trainers were forced to have “rock solid” accountability.
And I honestly think this was a big factor in the unprecedented success of my Boot Camp Formula 5 members.
So in ADDITION to unlimited 1-on-1 coaching calls and emails, we’re going to do two group coaching calls a week for 21 days to hold you accountable and force you to gain rapid momentum.
Factor 3
Anyone who tells you that they never have an issue with getting or staying motivated or getting out of their comfort zone is either lying or just a freak of nature.
So if you think my reading blog or seeing me speak at live events gets you fired up, then just wait until our coaching calls.
I’ll have you feeling like you can walk through walls and crush anything that dares to stand in your way!
Plus, as an added bonus I’m going to give you access to my Ultimate Mindset Formula product.
Here, you get to be a fly-on-the-wall and listen in as I unlock the secrets to success by interviewing over 17 of the worlds top six and seven figure fitness professionals.
Factor 4
If you’ve ever seen me speak at a live event, then you know how intense and powerful it is to get around me in person.
Well just imaging what a “game changer” it’s gonna be when you spend an entire day with me 1-on-1 laser focused on YOUR business.
I call it “energy transfer” and your will never be the same… EVER!
My five most powerful, tested and proven marketing formulas for exploding your boot camp to 6-figures.
With this one powerful formula, you can get dozens of new clients within hours – without even leaving your house. This is a MUST HAVE in your boot camp marketing arsenal.
In this module you will get:
Ok, so this is the “big one” where you learn the exact strategy that landed Jonathan Acosta 1255 clients and $15,000 in a single day. And I’m going to walk you through the step-by-step blueprint that will get you hundreds of new clients as well… You’ll also get the “magical” email strategy that will change your life.
In this module you will get:
In this bonus, I will show you a “fail safe” way to get other trainers to teach your boot camp for you, finally turning your “job” into a “business” so you can finally have the freedom you so badly want and deserve. With this technique even the best trainer can be replaced without a single hitch.
In this module you will get:
Let’s face it, with our the proper mindset, the most powerful information and coaching in the world wont do a bit of good.
So In this special bonus I’ve interviewed over16 interviews of the top names in the fitness industry and you’ll get to download and learn form each one of them.
You’ll get to learn exactly how they think to program their minds for “automatic success mode” (and how you can do the same)
The Bridal Expo Dominator
This gift is so special, and so powerful that I flew all the way to Maryland just to film these two dudes that were singing up 35 to 50 new clients every time they went to a bridal expo.
Just to be clear… Not 35 – 50 leads, but signups, (contracts and credit cards!)
Get the complete Human Billboard 3.0 module (Including scripts, contracts and videos)
This is my most powerful Human Billboard version yet!
Over 64 done-for-you emails for getting prospects to become signups, getting old clients to come back, and getting active clients to refer their friends.
Very high value!
Spend An Entire Day With Me
Like I said, if you’ve ever seen me speak at a live event, then you know how intense and powerful it is to get around me in person.
Well just imaging what a “game changer” it’s gonna be when you spend an entire day with me 1-on-1 laser focused on YOUR business.
I call it “energy transfer” and your will never be the same… EVER!
More Success Stories
I was working hard but doing so many things backwards.
I was stuck making about $3200 a month with no sign of ever hitting six figures.
To tell you the truth, at 21 years old, my family and friends thought $3200 a month was pretty cool.
But it was killing me inside because I knew I had so much more potential than that.
When I met Steve and started using his marketing and mindset formulas everything just clicked.
90 days later I had my first $13,000 month and I’m looking forward to hitting $15,000 next month.
Thanks Steve!
John Thompson
Before I get on Steve’s program I was a bit skeptical.
My wife and I were pretty strapped for cash, and were trying to scrape every penny together for a down payment on a house.
Plus I though with as much awesome free stuff that Steve gives away on his blog I was wondering how different his private program can be.
Well, I found out pretty quick that Steve’s blog was just the tip of the iceberg.
He totally customized my business and we went from $4000 a month to $11,000.
Oh and the best part is my wife was able to finally quit her corporate job that she hated.
All have have to say is Steve, you are the man.
Thanks for everything,
Greg Carbone
I was already making six figures but I knew I was missing something to really take my business to where I wanted to be.
Steve jut made one or two minor tweaks and my business exploded... It was amazing.
If anyone is on the fence about joining Steve’s program, just do it.
I was one of the best investments I’ve ever made.
Thanks Steve, you rock!
John Kent
I used one of Steve’s formulas to get 46 new clients in three weeks, and I converted about half of the 46 onto 6 month contracts.
Then a few weeks later I used the same formula again and this time I got 53 new clients and converted half of those to 6 month contracts as well.
So all said and done, I made a total of about $14,000 up front and $8000 in reoccurring six month contracts.
Steve’s formulas are the real deal.
Thanks Steve,
Dustin Maher
Wow Steve!
I used one of your “formulas” and I just sent out the email 2 days ago to my list using your strategy in part 1 of Boot Camp formula 5 and I already have 8 people signed up and I’m not even starting the camp for another 2 weeks!
Can’t wait to implement this strategy because it’s a goldmine!
Mike Bevard
I just wanted to let you know how it’s been going since the last call with you about the “20 Human Billboards” marketing strategy.
I thought it was a great call. I have been training small groups but not like that. And I never would have thought to open up times and have people choose their time spots
Well right after the call I looked at my schedule to see when and how I could do this. I sent an email out to all my newsletter subscribers explaining how this “20 People Special” works.
4 days later I had my Chiropractor (I’m in the back of a chiropractor’s office) send an email out to all of his clients (hundreds) stating I only had 6 spots left.
I got so many emails it took me 2 hours to respond. Long story short, I have filled the 20 spots I planned and it cost me Nothing! Yeah!!!
And in less than 10 days I made just shy of $40,000. I’m excited and everyone signing up is excited. It’s the best win-win I’ve ever done!!
Thanks for having that call,
Kelly Barkly
When I first met Steve I was at the lowest point in my life. I was working at one of those chain gyms making only $2600. Steve sat me down and broke it down for me and asked me how much I wanted to make. I listened to everything he told me.
“I went from $2600 and in 60 days I was averaging $9,000 to 10000 a month... it was Magical”
I really appreciate Steve and everything he showed me in 2005 and now in 2009 I moved to long beach using all the methods he taught me and I established a huge client base.
I really believe in Steve and any product he has I highly recommend it.
“I really, really believe in this program, “Thanks Steve”
Jaiya Figueras
My friend, I’m in a position to do something for you that no other person can… I’m going to give you the formula to boot camp domination so you can create your own financially secure, competition proof personal training business – just like I did for myself and for thousands of other fitness professionals.
With all the bonuses, a program like this can easily go for $9997 but it’s not. And it’s not $8997, or $7997, it’s not even $6997…
You get the entire program including 12 solid months of intensive coaching, a entire day with just you and me, and the whole mountain of bonuses for just one payment of $3997, or two payments of $2497 spread over a full 60 days.
However, because of the intensive nature of Coaching Factor 4, I’m only going to personally lead 25 trainers to boot camp domination.
And by the time you read this, thousands of trainers may have seen this once-in-a-life-time offer and you may have already lost your opportunity to a faster action taker.
But it’s only fair to warn you… Even if you get in, YOU STILL MAY NOT QUALIFY for Coaching Factor 4
Because I am so passionate, care so much and get so involved with my coaching clients, I would literally get sick if someone didn’t make (at the very least) an addition $100k over the next 12 months.
And for that reason if on our first coaching call I don’t feel that you have what it takes, and that I can guarantee you will make an additional $100k, then I’ll issue you a full refund on the spot and give your slot to a more qualified trainer.
So, if your heart and soul is telling you that you were destined for boot camp domination, then for a few bucks a day or the revenue from a few new clients, hire the undisputed number-one authority on boot camp domination in the world to show you the way.
Order now.
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"Still Not Sure If Coaching Factor 4 Is Right For You?"
Here Are Some Frequently Asked Questions That May Help You Decide...
Don’t waist another minute, day, month or year doing the same things and getting the same lacking results. Order Coaching Factor 4 and Start Dominating now.
Committed to your success,
Steve Hochman
P.S. Remember this is a tested and proven system duplicated time and time again with business skyrocketing results. I’ve already “cracked-the-code” for you and now I’m giving you all of my knowledge, guidance and tools plus over $4000 of bonuses to take your business to the next level. Don’t wait and miss out, because this program WILL sell out fast and when I open it again, it will be at a much higher rate.
Order now.
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