Selling Personal Training Online, Part 1 – Why It’s a Good Idea
Posted by Steve Hochman on Fri. Oct. 24th, 2014
Fitness boot camp owners have to be experts at balancing time and money. They have to know when it’s better to spend money and save time or vice versa. They also have to know how to maximize their income for the hours they spend running their business. The Fit Body Boot Camp business model is based on the principle of maximum earnings for minimum labor. The boot camp model was created because group training earns much more per hour than selling personal training one-on-one.
But you can take the principle of maximum earnings for minimum time one step further, by creating streams of income that earn you passive income long after the work has been done. Two of the best ways to do this are by creating and selling fitness info products and by offering online coaching.
Online coaching can be a huge moneymaker for you. It was for FBBC superstar Shawna Kaminski, who just brought in $7,000 in 72 hours with her first online coaching program. The beauty of it is that you usually have to do very little once you’ve created the programs you’re offering clients.
Most of the time, you create a program or set of programs, set up a payment and delivery system, create a marketing campaign and then have something that can continue to earn money for you, while all you might do is tweak your marketing or start a new marketing campaign periodically.
Fitness info products and online coaching share some similarities and can achieve the same results, but they have some important differences. You might create a workout and nutrition program focused on losing belly fat and package it into a fitness info product, or you could create the same program and offer it via online coaching. The main differences between the two are price and interaction.
You’ll be able to charge much more for online coaching than you will a fitness info product. Shawna charged just under $300 for her 90-day coaching program, but you’d probably only be able to sell the same program in info product form for somewhere between $29 and $99, depending on the depth and features you offer.
With the online coaching program, you’ll need to interact with coaching clients more than you do info product customers. There are motivational emails or posts, as well as accountability tasks to help keep clients on track. However, with that interaction comes more of a relationship with the client that can lead to further sales or long-term contracts with your boot camp. There’s also potentially much more visibility outside the coaching group. If you set up a Facebook page for clients to check in, get updates and find some motivation, you can tag clients in your posts so that their friends see what you’re doing. That can generate quite a bit of income beyond the online coaching fees. One thing all of the most successful boot camp owners know is that you have to look at both the short term and the long term ROI on anything you do.
Whether you choose to create a great fitness info product or decide to go with selling personal training through online coaching, you’ll be creating a secondary stream of income that can sometimes even surpass your boot camp earnings. All you need is a great product and a plan for marketing and delivering that product. We’ll talk about the nuts and bolts of that in the next post.
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