Boot Camp Marketing With
Posted by Steve Hochman on Sun. May. 23rd, 2010
Hey Steve here with a killer guest post from one of my six-figure coaching clients named Jonathan Acosta with Get Sexy San Antonio Boot Camps.
Right now he is making it rain clients boot camp marketing with!
And Jonathan was cool enough to share his client getting secret...
Heeeeer's Jonathan!
Hey Jonathan here from Get Sexy San Antonio bootcamps!
I'm sure you've heard about and how powerful it is. You can create a meetup group and get tons of prospects to join your group and hopefully convert them to paying clients.
But what happens if you create a group and nobody joins it? Nobodys gonna wanna be in a group that has 2 people. So instead I took it a step further and let other meetup groups do the work for me.
So here's step by step on how to get Tons of clients from with a different approach:
Step 1:
Go to and create a quick profile. You're definitely gonna wanna put your website and contact info on there, otherwise you'll look like a spammer when you contact people. If you live in a big city you might wanna create 2 profiles. You'll see why in a bit.
Step 2:
On the right corner search for your city or area code and depending how big your city is a bunch of meetup groups should pop up. Cool thing is there are a lot of different groups that cater to different people. Usually you'll find a group for stay at home moms, business women, runners, tennis, dogs, etc. You name it they have it. Some groups have 5 members some groups have 500. So find groups that your clients would be in. If you train women only then all the women's groups on there should be your target. You catch my drift.
Step 3:
This is where it gets good. After you've picked a group and clicked on it, it should send you to the meetup groups page. So say for example you clicked on a stay at home moms group. On the top left corner there should be all the info about the group and the organizer. The organizer is the one your gonna wanna contact. Right under the organizers name and picture is a link that says email me.
Use Steve's tips on how to approach a business so you wont get rejected. Go in with the giving hand. Here's an example email I used on a tennis group here.
" Hi Mrs Jones,
I was browsing around looking for a group to join. I stumbled across yours and thought it was awesome and can't believe how many members you have, great job! I was wondering if there was any way I can help you or your group at all, you see I run fitness bootcamps around the area and maybe I can give your group a free nutrition workshop (everyone can use extra help on eating) or a free week at my bootcamp. Let me know any way I can help.
Oh by the way, I really like what you're doing with your group so I wanna be your fitness insurance policy. You'll get FREE lifetime access for my bootcamps, say you have a wedding to go to or something just know you can always come to us to get in shape. You don't have to jump in now you can jump in whenever, were always here.
Looking forward to hearing from ya,
Whats really cool about this is a lot of meetup group directors are always looking for cool new things and events that the group can do. So why not help by giving them a free nutrition workshop or a free week trial at your camp. You came in with the giving hand and helped them with something they needed. So now in turn they'll help you.
Also adding Bedros's "Oh by the way" move helps. Giving the director free camps has allowed us to market to their group and get new clients. Think of a separate mini list. You can email them the 21 Day Rapid Fat Loss emails, human billboard, and so on.
After you send about 15-20 emails to different groups stops you for about a day. That's why having 2-3 profiles help.
Another bonus about this is if the meetup group has a ton of people then the organizer is more than likely a big shot in your town. Someone that has alot of influence. Build an army of these and watch what happens!
To learn more about Jonathan and his fitness boot camp in San Antonio visit
Let me and Jonathan know what you think... And give him some love for sharing this amazing boot camp marketing strategy 🙂
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