5 Ways to Up Your Fitness Boot Camp Marketing Game
Posted by Steve Hochman on Mon. Apr. 21st, 2014
If you’re constantly on the hunt for new clients to bring into your boot camp, then chances are… your marketing may need some work. As a personal trainer and a boot camp owner, you’re probably stretched pretty thin with not only leading and teaching each session, but with operating ins and outs of your business.
So, how are you supposed to find the time to focus on marketing? Fortunately, we’ve laid out 5 different ways for you to up your fitness boot camp marketing game without making you spend a ton of time and money.
1. Raise Your Energy
This quick tip is simple and easy to implement. Just amp up the energy during your workouts or teach your trainers to amp their energy up when they’re leading a boot camp session.
Making sure that your clients are having a good time while working out helps your marketing game because you’re creating an environment that your boot campers can really brag about. They’re having fun AND getting fit.
Most people don’t really like exercising, even though they know they have to in order to stay in shape and feel great, so if you create a fitness program that’s fun and high energy then you can’t go wrong. Look, no one likes working out with a boring trainer who doesn’t seem interested in helping them achieve results.
Clients want to workout in a fun and encouraging environment. They want to know that you care, and you can do that by showing them how excited you are that they’re there and willing to get sweaty with you.
2. Spoil Them Rotten
Spoil your clients rotten and they’ll never leave. Think about it: fitness is something that you’ll work on for the rest of your life. As soon as you get the results you want, you have to maintain them, right? Your body doesn’t just magically stay in shape- you’ve got to train to keep it there! So why would a client leave if they know they need to workout on a consistent basis to keep the results they just earned? They’re not getting spoiled enough!
Show your clients you care about them by spoiling them whenever you get the chance to. Spoil by getting to know them and what they’re all about. Send them small gifts like Starbucks gift cards, movie tickets, reusable water bottles, or bracelets, or anything of that nature. Mail them a birthday card for their birthday with a special hand written note. Your clients will remember and appreciate it, and who knows- they’ll probably want to return the favor!
3. Offer Free Sessions
One great way to get people interested in joining your boot camp is to offer free sessions or a free week of unlimited limited boot camp. Giving prospects an option to come in and try out your boot camp helps to get them used to you, your style of training and your facility.
You can also host a series of Free Saturday Boot Camps where you hold a boot camp session in a local park (make sure you have permission) and invite the community to come out and join. Make it a big deal by putting up flyers, sending out social media blasts, and emailing your list.
Host one per Saturday for a three week period to have it gain traction in your community. The two big things you need to remember is to collect the contact information of those who attended and to keep your energy at an all time high. You’ll have people asking to join your boot camp in no time.
4. Treat Your Prospects Like High Paying Clients
If you’re having trouble converting your prospects into paying clients, then start treating them as if they already are and watch your conversion rate increase. Treating prospects like they’re already a part of the family will help them to feel more comfortable and it’ll help you sell more in the long run.
It’ll help you get more out of the sales consultation you’ll schedule when you’re ready to speak with them because they’ll already know, like, and trust you. And if they already feel like a part of the family then it’ll be that much easier to convert.
5. Host a Charitable Event
Clients like to support companies and business who help others so make it a point to host charitable events a few times a year (if not more, it feels good to give back, right?). Poll your current clients to find out what issues matter to them the most and host a fitness challenge to try and raise some funds for your chosen organization.
You can do a train-a-thons, charity boot camp workouts, or food and clothing drives. There are all kinds of charitable functions that you and your boot campers can put together. They’re really fun and worthwhile because you’re not only helping out a great cause, but you’re bringing your boot campers together and helping them to feel better in more ways than just fitness.
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