How To Get A Free 60-Minute Coaching Call With Me
Posted by Steve Hochman on Mon. Jun. 22nd, 2009
I'm gonna tell you about how to get a free 60 minute coaching call with me in just a minute.
(My coaching clients usually make $6,279 within 1 week after the first call from one secret that I give them)
But first I want you to know how FRIGGIN COOL it was at FBS09 to meet so many peeps that made boat loads of cash-o-la form my blog.
One girl made 24k in two weeks with one of my tips... That was AWESOME ๐
Seriously, my #1 passion in life, besides being a daddy and husband, is helping fitness professionals make TONS of MULLA.
It's like an addiction... I literally get a high from it.
(Is that weird? Cuz I was on a lot of ADD meds as a kid and I think it messed with my brain a little)
So here's how to get a free 60 Minute
coaching call with me...
Leave a comment with exactly how my blog has helped you to over come an obstacle and make more money.
Be very specific...
What were you struggling with?
What was the tip, tactic or strategy that you applied?
Exactly how much money did you make?
How long did it take?
The blog is great, but there's nothing like one-on-one live mentoring.
After you leave your detailed comment, my assistant Ariel will contact you and set up your coaching call.
I can't wait to read your success story!
Talk to ya soon
Posted in Blog, Boot Camp Marketing, Boot Camp Strategies, Closing and Sales Techniques, Fitness Marketing, Internet Marketing by |