Free Ultimate Mindset Formula Gift To You :)
Posted by Steve Hochman on Mon. May. 2nd, 2011
Hey - It's Monday today which is a PERFECT time for me to give you an GIFT that is gonna change your life.
The reason I say it's gonna change your life is because I've seen what it can do first hand with my friends, my family and my coaching clients.
And it is THE ONLY reason I have the lifestyle, opportunities and awesomeness I enjoy today.
And one of the reasons I can APPRECIATE and be so GRATEFUL of what I have, is because it is such a contrast to what I USED TO NOT HAVE.
Like a roof over my head, food, happiness, piece of mind, security or gas (for my car, I always had the other kind of gas 🙂
For example:
Here's something that VERY FEW people know about me
When I was six years old, I was diagnosed with Tourette's Syndrom.
Ya, you know the kids who make weird noises and have uncontrollable tics.
It was pretty bad.
And back then, no one really knew what it was, so kids at school and my teachers just thought I was being a bad kid... They didn't know I couldn't control it.
I know it's hard to imagine with the way everyone is "sensitive" and politically correct, but back then, even my teachers would make fun of me...
Theuy just didn't understand.
And I really don't blame them, they just didn't know, plus I had such bad A.D.D. that I was a huge handful to deal with.
The good news is that about 70% of kids with Tourette's grow out of it at about age 16 or 17 and luckily I was one of those kids who did.
Truthfully, if you're around me long enough, and if I'm REALLY comfortable,with you, you may notice a few symptoms... But not much.
I don't regret it because it's the reason I'm the person that I am today.
I KNOW that's the reason I am so compassionate towards other people and why I appreciate my friends to no end.
But I was able to DREAM BIG and make it happen, and here's why YOU will too.
What YOU have in your life is 100% directly related to YOUR MINDSET.
You can know ALL the fitness marketing strategies in the world, but if you have the WRONG MINDSET it wont matter.
In fact, you can know very little about business building, but with the RIGHT MINDSET you can BLOW UP HUGE and literally build a fitness empire.
That's exactly what happened to me at the beginning...
When I had my first fitness studio and made my first $800k a year, it was with ZERO traditional marketing... JUST MINDSET.
Listen, if anyone tells you that OTHER people can manifest things into your life, they're either LYING or they just don't know any better.
YOU are the one and only person who decides what YOU have in your life...
YOU attract your success.
YOU attract your happiness.
And NO ONE can attract anything into your life for you.
Mindset is like a magnet that pulls your most dominant thoughts into existence.
Everyday, YOU get to decide who YOU want to be.
Everyday, in fact every second, you can CHANGE YOUR ENERGY and DECIDE that today, THIS IS HOW IT"S GONNA BE DAMN IT.
Every second is YOUR opportunity to say, "From this second forward, I'm going to be the REAL ME."
"The me that I was MEANT to be when I was put on this earth. There is no looking back. THIS IS WHO I REALLY AM!"
Starting RIGHT NOW, this is ME.
So the GREATEST gift I can give you is the gift of MINDSET
So take this gift and do good in the world with it.
Pass it on to as many people as you can.
Help as many people as you can.
Raise YOUR energy to a level to high, that all around you are inspired to be the REAL person they were meant to be.
Your destiny is in YOUR hands, and I believe in YOU.
With over 14 down-loadable no-holds-barred audio interviews plus videos from me, you’ll learn how the most successful leaders in the fitness industry vaporize their fears, smash though barriers and set their brains to “automatic success mode” (And how you can do the same).
Click here to access
The Ultimate Mindset Formula
....And be sure to share a comment below with your biggest mindset secret.
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