Let me know what you think about how to take this powerful and virtually no-cost fitness marketing strategy to the next level...
This entry was posted on January 7, 2011 at 12:04 am. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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Steve is totally right about HBs, especially the initial part in talking to a perspective HB.
Yesterday, I went to get a hair cut at a high end salon from a stylist I was not even referred to. I just chatted her up. Told her I am a fitness expert. Asked her about her goals. And before long I was introducing her to becoming an HB for my business and helping her and her fiance get fit and trim for their wedding coming up in May.
Also, she said several of her co-workers would definitely be interested in being an HB for discounted training and being paid for referrals while getting referrals sent to them for their business.
Get rid of the fear. Go to them and allow them to be comfortable in their environment. Ask about them, and then you should be walking out of there with at least one HB for your business.
Great stuff Steve..the usual! Hey do you think you could make a post on the process of signing up new clients? Like going from a phone call, capturing their credit card number, etc.? That'd be pretty awesome!
It worked well for me when I had the mindset of knowing that it will work.
Also, when I started and knew no one and had no list I would always approach people on the street. I found that if I approached people who were in a group of two worked best. It ups your chances of at least one person saying yes. If one person says yes it would influence the other. Then I would end up with two people.
Then I would ask them where they got their hair done and went from there.
Great stuff Steve when I was in the car business we called this the basics. The one that keeped to the basics made 190,000 a year or more the one's that didn't made 24,000 a year. For me I need to keep to the basics! I hope all other personal trainers get to smart for there own good.
Another great post, yeah been using human billboards in the UK, just getting ready to recruit some more to help me promote services.
Good work as always.
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