Marketing Your Boot Camp At A Bridal Expo

Me and Bedros helping  Alisson Rosales and Shelly Fiara Market there Fit Body Boot Camp at a bridal expo in Laguna Beach Ca.

Bedros and I dropped in to help Rancho Santa Margarita Fit Body Boot Camp owners Alisson Rosales And Shelly Fiara market their boot camp at a local bridal expo.

I just received a text from Alisson letting me know that they had a blast hanging out and collected over 40 highly qualified leads.

But that doesn't surprise me because Alisson is KILLING IT with her two trainers that help run her 4 Fit Body Boot Camps.

Just like Alisson does, I highly recommend that you have a solid "game plan" before you attempt to market you fitness boot camp at an event like a bridal expo.

Here's  10 quick tips for marketing your fitness boot camp at a bridal expo.

1.  Display a banner with your business name and logo on it.

2.  Generate as many qualified leads as possible, DO NOT try to close leads on the spot.

3.  If you can, bring one of your boot camp clients who's dropped a lot of weight to be a "live" walking-talking testimonial.

4.  Practice your "Elevator Pitch" so you can gain the interest of a prospect in 5 seconds or less when they ask "what do you do"

(Make sure to follow up your elevator pitch with a question.

An example of an Elevator Pitch for a bridal expo is:

Question:  What do you do?

Answer: An indoor group exercise program that burns twice the fat in half the time.

(Three follow up questions)

- How are your workouts going?
- What are your fitness goals?
- Would you like a chance to win a free month of fitness?

5.  Have a "lead generator" to collect your prospect's contact info like a drawing to win a free month of fitness.

6.  Use what I call the "Tag Team System" where you use a partner to shuttle prospects over to you by standing outside your booth and saying, "Hi, my partner wants to ask you a question."

Or, "My partner wants to tell you how to win a free month of fitness."

7.  Make sure you follow up with your leads THAT DAY while there "hot"

8.  Use the "Buy or Die" method.  Call, and email your prospects repeatedly until they set an appointment or tell you they're not interested.  BE PERSISTENT!

9.  Make sure you find out their wedding date (This is mucho importante)

10.  Quickly build rapport by making physical contact (like touching the arm or shoulder)
Btw, I've committed to giving my best effort to respond to every single comment you leave below.

So be sure to let me know you thoughts and check back for my response 🙂

Posted in Uncategorized by Steve Hochman | 23 Comments

23 Comments "Marketing Your Boot Camp At A Bridal Expo"

  • Fred Noten says:
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  • stevehochman says:
  • stevehochman says:
  • stevehochman says:
  • stevehochman says:
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