Top Trainer Secrets Revealed Part 3

Hey Steve here with a really cool guest post form one of my East Coast coaching clients named Mitch Lee...

Or as I like to call him, Mitch "I swear it wasn't me, I wasn't even in the country" Lee.

This guy is another heavy action taker and a super, super, super cool dude.

Check out his story and see if you can find one or two "take-a-ways" that you can use in your fitness business.

And here's Mitch!

Hey, Mitch here...

Before I tell ya a couple of key things that I learned from Steve's coaching program, I want to tell you where I would be WITHOUT his help.

Here I go... It sucks but it's the truth.

Without Steve Hochman’s encouragement, “in-the-trenches” experience, innovation, kindness and awesome coaching program I know exactly where I would be...

...In limbo

Working all-over-the-place hours, stuck in one-one for one hour HELL, living pay check to pay check and stuck in a job that was taking over my life instead of running a business that fits how I wanna live my life –

BIG difference!

Thanks to Steve’s Coaching Program (Specific Results)

🙂 Had my first 10k month last month!

I have a successful indoor boot camp still in its infancy run by other trainers that is making 4k a month right now and growing every month (do ya think a few grand is worth it to get that kinda return on investment?)

Accept credit cards only so I don’t have to spend my time playing bill collector. Seriously, this alone will increase your income by just does – it’s crazy!

On pace to hit 6 figures for the first time in 13 years while TRAINING less (working harder than ever but it’s ON the biz and not IN it – HUGE difference)

Live in a bigger place and drive a nicer car – thanks Steve-O!

From job with no future to a business with endless possibilities!

But The Most Important Thing I’ve Learned (it all starts here)

My mindset is where it needs to be now...

This is the core of the program and lemme tell ya, I don’t know what the fu*k I was thinking before his program.

I either wasn’t thinking or I was in denial but check it out...

If you are a personal trainer, you are DOOMED

I had a JOB, not a BUSINESS, you can’t get sick or go on vacation.

I woke up early like a farmer and worked late while my family was eating dinner.

I can’t train a ton of people so your talents are being wasted on a few dozen people at most.

I ran the risk of losing 30% of my biz or more if a few people move, cancel or get hurt.

I couldn't network and market cuz I was busy being the technician.

I found myself feeling like a cheap therapist rather than a sought-after fitness pro who is helping people reach their dream body.

I was selling my talents and my financial income/personal freedom up the river cuz I couldn't make more than about 70-100K a year (most make way less) as a trainer (not saying it’s bad but why make that your ceiling?)

I can go on but I’m getting mad just thinking about all the years I wasted doing it that way…

(Before I found the solution)

Thanks to Steve I have Big Goals (not dreams).

I take massive action and believe in myself all the way through!

Some other Fitness Marketing Strategies That Steve Has Taught Me

Here are a few other things that I have either done, changed or implemented this year thanks to Steve’s experience.

1. His autoresponder sequences get clients to do what he wants (come in, buy, refer, re-join)

2. The plastic referral cards have worked wonders for referrals for my boot camp

3. His referral contests really helped me get my first 10 boot campers

4. His Youtube strategies are so easy and they make the phone ring in like 24 hours!

5. His hair salon approach is a client getting gem!

I can go on for hours but it’s pretty simple – Steve promised he would help and boy did he OVER-DELIVER.

He is there for you to walk you by the hand into a brighter future.

I have emailed him countless times and he has answered every question I have ever asked him either by email or on the phone with more depth and patience I could ever ask for.

He is a fitness marketer / coach / mentor and friend and if you are on the fence about working with Steve, take that FEAR and bitch slap it

In life we are 3 things at any given time…a teacher…a fellow traveler or a student.

...After working with Steve, I realized that I actually forgot how to be a student.

I forgot how to ask for help and surround myself with teachers…

Hiring Steve as a coach was the BEST decision I ever made for my business – PLAIN and SIMPLE

Enjoy, learn, act!

Your "committed to bringing you the freshest and coolest stuff ever" friend,
Steve 🙂

The GREAT Mitch Lee is an expert Personal Trainer in Scarsdale and the owner of the Fit Figure Boot camp in Scarsdale

PS.  After you leave a comment for Mitch, you may also be interested in:

Top Trainer Secrets Revealed... Part 2: “Greg Carbone”
Top Trainer Secrets Revealed... Part 1: “George Anderson”

Posted in Uncategorized by Steve Hochman | 5 Comments

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  • Timothy says:
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  • Cierra says:
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