72 Boot Camp Empire Building Tips

To ME, success means Freedom, LOVING my family, and giving my little girls the Daddy that I never had growing up.

Having multiple six-figure boot camps run by other trainers was the first time I EVER experienced that full throttle.

And I'll tell ya what, once I got a taste of THAT life, I knew that I could NEVER go back.

No doubt all this didn't happen by accident, and I'm no genius or anything like that...

But here's what I did.

It worked for me, and it can work for YOU too.

1.  Give 10X’s more value then your clients pay for.

2. Have “referral tools” in your arsenal like my little magic plastic gift cards.

3.  Use a risk reversal, like try fro free for one week… And a 30 day unconditional, no questions asked guarantee.   (By the way, for the one week free, get their CC the first day and tell them should they choose to stay on board then do nothing and you will automatically debit their card in a week)

4.  Be able to duplicate and replicate your boot camp.

5.  Train people for six months for a small one time fee ($299) in return for them referring you clients (Human Billboard Marketing)

6.  Be a “YOU” person, not a “ME” person.

7.  Appreciate each one of your clients, EVERY time you see them!

8.  Use Auto debit (EFT)

9.  Find an indoor facility for your boot camps like a cheer leading facility, gymnastics facility or a stand-alone building.

10.  Have referral contests and provide referral tools like my magic plastic gift cards.

11.  Use referral incentives like giving your clients half off their next month fees for each friend they refer who signs up.

12.  Read the “4 Hour Work Week” by Tim ferriss

13.  Have high energy music at your boot camps.

14.  Advertise on craigs list daily in the 6 hot spots (Beauty, therapeutic, activities, classes, lessons, and general)

15.  Have TONS of testimonials (with pictures!!)

16.  Make sure your “city” and “Boot Camp” - "personal trainer" in "city" are in your title tag of your website.

17.  Raise your ENERGY!

18.  Now raise your energy EVEN MORE!

19.  Read the book "Crush It"

20.  Surround your self with people SMARTER than you.

21.  Pick the right team.

22.  Join a high powered fitness business mastermind.

23.  Learn from those who have DONE what you WANT to do.

24.  Give, give, give.

25.  Visualize how you will FEEL when you achieve your goals… Now hold onto that feeling all day.

26.  NEVER have a “complain” based conversation… Have only “SOLUTION” based conversations.

27.  Read “Secrets of The Millionaire Mind” by T. Harv Ecker

28.  Network with tanning salons, hair salons, nutrition stores, chiropractors, massage therapists and estheticians.

29.  Use my "Evil Leadbox Script" to get 50 leadboxes in local businesses...


(Make a list of all the businesses that you want to get your lead-boxes in and call them all rapid fire)

This particular example would be for a tanning salon:

Ring Ring Ring

Dark Side Tannin Salon: Dark Side Tannin Salon, how can I help you?

Awesome You: (Super casual-like) Hey, have are you guys pretty busy today?

Dark Side Tannin Salon: Ahh, a little bit earlier…

Awesome You: Hey, who would I talk to about referring all my boot camp clients to you?

Dark Side Tannin Salon: Hold on, I’ll get rick the owner.

Awesome You: Cool.

Dark Side Tannin Salon: Hi this is rick, how can I help you?

Awesome You: Hey Rick, what would be the best way for me to refer my boot camp clients to your salon?

Dark Side Tannin Salon: Oh cool, I can give you a bunch of gift cards.

Awesome You: Oh that would be cool… My clients definitely look and feel better when they are tan so we’re all about that.

Hey, we really like to grow our boot camp ORGANICALLY, ya know, from word of mouth so including you, how many of your employees would ya say would be interested in getting trained for free at our boot camp?

(Ask for names and phone numbers too if the energy is right… If not get the names and numbers when you go in to their salon)

Dark Side Tannin Salon: Blah Blah Blah

Awesome You: Hey, when I come in to get the gift certificates to give to my clients, would you mind if I left a lead box in your salon and gave you a hundred bucks for everyone who gets on my program… Like would you be open to see how it goes for 30 days?

(If they say no, then when you go in there to pick up the gift certs, ask again… Also, once they train with you as a Human Billboard, they will be totally open to having your leadbox there)

30.  Position yourself as authority (One easy way is to make little needless corrections with your boot camp members)

31.  Spend more time ON your business and less time IN your business.
(On your biz is strategy and marketing, in your biz is training clients and doing paper work)

32.  Get a mentor (or two)

33.  Believe in yourself… No matter what.

34.  Have “go to” exercises so you can gather your thoughts without looking like you are.

35.  Make sure your boot camp members are NEVER standing around.

36.  Thank you clients PROFUSELY after each workout.

37.  Use PROVEN formulas for growing your fitness business.

Don't try to "reinvent" the wheel.

40.  Focus on what your CLIENTS want for themselves, not what YOU want for your clients. 

An example that drives me crazy is at 24 hour fitness when a brand new client says she desperately wants to lose weight and the trainer says, “Ok great, let’s work on your BALANCE!!!!” WTF???

41.  Text your clients at work… Tell them how great they are and how much you appreciate them… You’ll get most of your referrals from their work.

42.  Ask for help… Seriously

43.  Take massive action and don’t talk yourself out of it.

44.  Read “how to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie.

45.  Watch the secret

46.  No watch the secret again.

47.  Pretend you have an MTV film crew video taping your workouts and streaming it live to 2 million people...

If that doesn't pump you up and raise your energy then quit and become an insurance salesman.

48.  Run a "Referral Contest" every 6 to 8 weeks and ASK your clients what prize they want (Like an ipad2, a year of boot camp free or a trip for two)

49.  Tell your self that you’re a badass… Constantly!

50.  Interview people who make 10x’s your income.

51.  You have no problems… When a family member is sick or dies, that’s a problem… Otherwise you just have stepping stones.

52.  Make fear your bitch… Literally feel the fear and tell it you want to party.

53.  Listen to your gut… REALLY LISTEN.  It’s always right.

54.  Theme and name your workouts - "Today is AB-Domination" or "Today is bounce a quarter off your bootie day"


56.  Use my "70 Percent Rule" - Take imperfect action... 10 things at 70% is 700%, one thing at 100% perfection almost never happens.

57.  Write down your goals and carry them in your pocket.

58.  Tell that "little voice in your head that says WHY you can't" to shut that F%#K up!

59.  Plan your day the night before… Do the 5% of stuff that will move your business forward the most first.

60.  Stay in the state of appreciation.

61. Learn how to advertise using PPC (Read "The Definitive Guide To Google Ad-words"

62.  Have fun… a lot.

63.  Advertise on Facebook

64.  Make sure you are on Google places.

65.  Have your clients leave a review for you on yelp.

66.  Hire an assistant to do all the 95% of stuff that is NOT in your 5%.

67.  Always take after pics of your clients.

68.  Facebook your clients with 2-3 times per week.

69.  Go A.P.E appreciation, passion, and enthusiasm.

70.  Put 5000 door hanger on the houses of wealthy people in your area.

71.  Always remember, you’re not training clients, you’re putting on a friggin show.

Looking back, to fix the old "broken" boot camp model, open multiple six-figure locations and become the world boot camp marketing leader, I broke EVERYTHING down into 7 factors...

I'll be sharing them soon at the Boot Camp Factor 7 Workshop

I'd love to know what ya think...


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