Boot Camp Marketing On TV
Posted by Steve Hochman on Tue. Jan. 26th, 2010
If you're serious about boot camp marketing then you definitely want to get on TV.
Or even better, become the fitness expert in your community by having your very own weekly health segment on a local news station.
My good friend Leanne Ellington discovered that making that a reality really isn't that hard to do.
In fact, she's on several morning news shows on a regular basis.
And you don't need to have a masters in kinesiology or a best selling book either...
...Just a little personality and some persistence.
And to give you the "inside scoop" straight from a TV news producer on how to get on TV, Leanne is going to share this AMAZING interview.
Or you can download it below by right clicking and "save target as" or "save link
Download MP3
Here's a couple of pics of Leanne on the news... Pretty cool!
I look forward to YOU boot camp marketing on TV soon too 🙂
To learn more about Leanne Ellington, checkout her Boot Camp In Orlando
And be sure to leave Leanne an AWESOME COMMENT for doing such a killer interview for you.
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