Crazy Client Attracting Workplace Flier
Posted by Steve Hochman on Wed. Aug. 17th, 2011
A few months back two of my private coaching clients said they just got "in" with a huge corporation.
They said the corporation would let them put an ad in their newsletter and also place a flier in the company break rooms.
So they asked me if I could create a flier that would attract clients like crazy.
Now, I have to admit that I'm not a huge fan oi fliers because they are mostly cheesy and do nothing but take up space.
But I knew this was a pretty awesome opportunity and my client worked really hard to get "in" with this giant corporation (It was kaiser permanente) so I told them I would do it.
Well, it would be pretty embarrassing if I created a flyer that didn't pull clients, so it's a good thing that IT PULLED CLIENTS LIKE CRAZY!
So go ahead and swipe and deploy the my "Work Place Client Attracting Flier"
Btw, you can also use it as an email to company employees too 🙂
“Amazing Fat Loss Secret Discovered From A 297 Pound Pizza Delivery Dude Vaporizes Unwanted Pounds And Inches With Shocking Quickness”
Hi my name is (YOUR NAME) and I’m going to share a little know fitness and fat loss secret with you.
Despite all the “misinformation” out there and what the “experts” say, you don’t need to suffer through strict diets or spend 3 hours a day in the gym to look and feel amazing.
And it doesn’t have to take several months or even years to drop those pesky pounds that are keeping you from fitting in your “skinny jeans” as they sit in your closet collecting dust.
In fact you can vaporize up to 7-9 pounds in just 14 days.
And I’m going to prove it to you over the next two weeks with the amazing 14 Day Fat Furnace.
It’s a two week boot camp style workout and “non-diet” food plan designed for fast fat loss.
I’ve discounted the 14 Day Fat Furnace to just $67 bucks for (NAME OF BIZ) employees.
The workouts will take place (LOCATION AND TIMES)
So if losing weight and getting real results real fast is for you, then this is a match made in heaven.
But as much as we’d like to, we simple don’t have room for everyone, so stop what you’re doing a secure your spot right now by call 999-999-9999 before they’re all gone.
Dedicated to your health,
PS. An interesting point: 30 days from now you'll either be a month older and possibly a few pounds heavier, or, you can be a 7-9 pounds lighter and 14 days closer to your fitness goal. You decide which one you would rather be 14 days from now. Make sure you make the right choice and call 999-999-9999 and start your 14 Day Fat Furnace now.
So swipe my high conversion flier and enjoy.
And if you're a serious fitness professional (If you're on this blog then you are) then I’m willing (for a limited time) to do a 30 minute 1-on-1 free strategy call with you to help put this and other client getting ideas into action.
In fact, I’m more than just willing, I’m totally pumped to help you!
Please schedule me for my free 30 minute strategy call
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