Free Coaching Call With Steve Hochman
Posted by Steve Hochman on Wed. Jan. 20th, 2010
I hope your having an amazing week so far.
So I'm sitting here at my house, super excited to get started with the newest Fit Body Boot Camp owners that got on board.
And that's what it hit me!
Bedros and I are going to be spending a whole lot of time coaching, guiding and helping our new members roll out their mutliple six-figure boot camp locations.
We'll be leading our new FBBC members to an amazing lifestyle, where everday is an adventure, and every day you're living your dream.
So, it's pretty important that the fitness professionals that we accept, are a perfect fit for us, and we are a perfect fit for them too.
So Here's what I'm thinking
To give you my honest opinion, and to personally answer ever question you have about if owning an FBBC would be right for you...
I'm going to set up a special free coaching call with you.
All I ask is that you limit your questions to ones that are related to FBBC.
To get your free coaching call, send an email to
Make sure you include the following:
- Your name
- Your phone number
- Your city
- Your top 3 questions
- The best time to reach you
- And put FREE CALL in the subject line
Once I receive your email, my assistant Ariel will quickly set up our coaching call.
I'm pretty pumped to talk to you, this is gonna rock!
I'll talk to you soon,
Ps. If you just want to secure your FBBC territory now, and don't want to wait,
or want to learn more, then go here now
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