Hey this is Steve Hochman Sunday, December 20, 2009
I am not going to use any of my "mind control" sales strategies because I'm ONLY LOOKING FOR ONE SPECIAL PERSON.
It may be you, but if not that's OK too.
Here's a little story called "Three Dog, The Stump, and $100K"
When I first started my fitness business I didn't know much, but I DID know how to give a kick ass personal training session.
I was loud, crazy and beat the holy crap out of my clients.
So loud and crazy that one day this 50 year old dude walked up to me and said, "I've been watching you for a few weeks. I need to lose 50 pounds, get off my blood pressure meds, and win a world series softball championship... And I like your style."
I said, "Let's do this!"
Then I asked, "Do you have any injuries or limitations."
He held up his right hand. There was a stump where his pinky and ring finger used to be.
So I said, "What happened?"
He Said, "They got blown off by a boobie trap in Vietnam, and when I get angry, the stump starts moving, like this."
(Me... Gulp) "Any other injuries?"
He said, "Ya, I had my shoulder cut on."
I said, "I want to meet your doctor and make sure we do all the right things for you."
He said, "He's an hour away... Do you want to just talk to him over the phone."
I said, "No, in person... I want to do this right."
Long story short... I DID NOT HESITATE. I just went with my gut instinct.
He must have been pretty impressed because he decided right then and there that he was going to take me under his wing and showed me how to make my first $100K.
(I had no Idea that he was a millionaire)
He became my first mentor and changed my life forever.
**Travis, if you're reading this, thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Your GUT will always tell you what to do, and if somethings right for you.
So here's what I got...
I have exactly one coaching spot open for my 1 year business coaching and mentorship program were I show you how to double, triple, even quadruple your income while working way less hours so you can have fun, freedom and security.
Pick one of the options below:
Option 1 (1 year unlimited phone and email coaching with me) only one payment of $3997
Option 2 (1 year unlimited email coaching with me) only one payment of $1997
Here's what I want you to do...
Send an email to me at Steve.Coaching@gmail.com and tell me which program you would like to join, and why you want me to personally teach you the secrets that have allowed me to enjoy a life of freedom, fun, multiple six-figure income streams, and massive respect.
You see, my wife will never have to work, my kids will never see the inside of a daycare facility, and I will never be tied down to a schedule... And it feels damn good to have that lifestyle.
And you will too.
(Remember, I have exactly one spot open, so make sure if you're the right person, you act now)
I have been following you for almost 1 year and your advice is priceless! Thank you for changing my life!!
Yo steve,
Ive signed up to your coaching sessions today, (Just a xmas pressie to myself 🙂 ) Keep up the good work on the blog with invaluable information!
Looking forward to the first coaching call 🙂
Heck yeah this is eacxtly what I needed.
Wait, I cannot fathom it being so strahifgtorward.