It’s interesting to see how some Fitness Boot Camp have an amazing track record of getting referrals, but others, don’t.
This is usually a black and white situation. These businesses either get or they don’t.
This factor doesn’t necessarily have a direct correlation on either the business is a success or a failure but, being good getting referrals sure make it a whole lot easier to run your fitness boot camp business successfully.
On top of knowing how to market a fitness boot camp, you must understand that your prospects and clients are looking for results at first and you must be able to deliver it in order to survive in this business.
But, what now? You are delivering results but there are probably dozens of other personal trainers and boot camps in your area that are also doing so.
So? How do you stand out from this “fitness crowd?” How do you not only keep the clients but also have them refer their friends, families and co-workers to you?
The word that best encapsulates what you need to focus on is EXPERIENCE!
Aside from awesome results you must deliver an awesome experience, an experience that your prospects and clients are not able to find anywhere else.
By now you are probably asking yourself, but HOW? I share a few of the tools we use at Fit Body Boot Camp below.
Here is the second part of the interview about with Fit Body Boot Camp Founder Bedros Keuilian.
You can check the 1st part of the interview and the audio of the full interview here.
Fernando: Very well! And for people out there that are looking into starting a business, starting a fitness business for that matter, what kind of support does the franchise, FBBC franchise owner gets from FBBC?
Bedros: Well, this task was a really big point and we made sure that we completely deconstructed every franchise out there that had royally screwed up and every franchise model that had been successful. And what we found was the ones that screwed up were the ones that typically ended up importing upon themselves and (more…)
In this post I bring you the man himself, Bedros Keuilian, the creator of Fit Body Boot Camp to share with you the reasons that led him to create it and what his vision is moving forward. You can enjoy the audio or the transcription of the interview right below.
Hi all! This is Fernando Bonato, Head Business Coach at Fit Body Boot Camp and today I have the honor to be interviewing the creator of Fit Body Boot Camp Bedros Keuilian. I’ll ask questions that will give you a better understanding of Bedros vision and what FBBC is about. Hi Bedros! Thanks for taking the call.
Hey Fernando! Thank you so much.
So, I know you have a call in a few minutes. So let’s try to make this straight to the point. First question, why did you create fit body boot camp?
So, basically we created fit body boot camp because it was out of the need to essentially better a model that was already doing well and the model that was doing
well was boot camps that operated in the park. Obviously, as a personal trainer, the number one problem that I saw was a model that was a boot camp run in a park was that you really didn’t have a lot of control and when you don’t have control in a business then you might as well just rename it and call it a job because if you don’t have control of the weather, if you don’t have control of the sprinkler system that’s in the park, if you don’t have control of the right to be in that park because you can get kicked out anytime, well then you’re really held hostage by the elements and by the law, right? And so, what we found was if we can take a boot camp that was successful in the park and initially we ended up putting those in dance centers and gymnastic centers, we found that the success rate was just through the roof. More people were willing to come to an indoor facility that was air-conditioned, that was consistent and that was reliable versus coming early in the morning when it’s cold or when it’s dark outside or when the grass is wet or when there’s, whatever, dog poop on the grass, versus when you come indoors you really have a good setting. Well, that kind of evolved to a whole other place because the big problems with gymnastic centers and dance centers was we were unable to run boot camps anytime past 11-12 o’clock in the afternoon because those facilities were being used by kids during gymnastics. And so we went to what we call now stand-alone facilities which could be a very easily a light industrial center torn office park or in some cases even a strip mall as long as the price is right for square footage. And boy, now you’ve got, you can literally run 4-5 booth camps in the morning and you can run 3-4 booth camps in the evening and you got yourself a really sustainable business that does not only well financially but does not have a lot of moving parts and by that I mean it does not have a lot of employees and does not have a lot of overhead. And in any business, the number one expense, the number cause and it doesn’t matter whether it’s in manufacturing service or whatever, the number one expense in any business is payroll. And so when you can drastically cut down payroll and you can reduce the cost of the service by training people in a group instead of one to one, you really created a sustainable business that more people are going to be attracted to and that’s essentially how fit body boot camp came to be.
Perfect! And obviously Fit Body Boot Camp is not just an indoor boot camp business, we understand that we have many other differences from other personal training businesses but one of the main ones is the Unstoppable Fitness Formula. Can you let us know a little bit more in detail what consists of the Unstoppable Fitness Formula?
Yeah, absolutely men. Again, when we were in the drawing board and we, when you go and you think about “Well what makes my product or service so unique?” you’ll look at Kentucky Fried Chicken and they’ve got the 11 secret herbs and spices and everything has its own unique thing, Bush's Big Beans has their unique
recipe, there’s a hotdog that’s called Formula 81 and there’s Heinz 57 and all those things have their unique proprietary blend that makes them different than all of their competitors. And with us, we knew that the push up could no longer just be a push up. The fact of the matter is we want to be competitive in the boot camp business and you want to start a fitness boot camp business that’s going to attract the most client and kind of create a category of one, you’ve got to have a unique offering and a unique selling proposition and that unique selling proposition for us was a push up cannot be a push up. In other words, if a prospect can easily go to YouTube and watch what a good push up is and watch what a prisoner’s squat is and do push-ups and prisoner squats at home, why would they pay us to do that in our facility? Well the reason they would pay us to do that in our facility is because we stack our push-ups and prisoner squat and TRX rows and the things we do with the sliders, in a very unique and special way where each and every person as long as they follow the program and they’re not dogging it or they’re not slacking off and that’s what obviously the trainers are for, we literally put them into after burn and so the unstoppable fitness formula is just that, it’s to get your body into after burn and burn the most amount of calories and stimulate the most amount of muscle tissue in under an hour but then it’s supposed to put you in to after burn where you’re burning an additional whatever amount of calories because your heart or your metabolism is elevated for up to 18 to 20 hours because you really will use the high intensity interval training and metabolic response training together in a special way to create that unstoppable fitness formula. So, no longer is the push up a push up when you stack in the unique and special way that we do and that’s really what separates the results that clients will get at Fit Body Boot Camp versus anything they would either try on their own or by trying something that just an ordinary boot camp.
Visit us back in a few days for part 2.
Learn more about Fit Body Boot Camp and see if a franchise opportunity is right for you.