Pool Guy Marking Method
In this video you'll learn how to get boatloads of boot camp referrals from local pool guys... This is another killer client getting "Spoke on the wheel" to add to your fitness marketing arsenal.
Enjoy 🙂
This is a brand new fitness marketing strategy that I've only share with some of my high end coaching clients.
In this video I explain my new "Carwash Marketing Method"
and like most of my fitness marketing tactics, it's low cost, super easy and attracts tons of clients!
I'd love to hear your comments below...
Btw, I have a few coaching spots open, and for the first time I'm offering a 30 day coaching/mentoring program.
So here are the new options (but just for a limited time)
1 year coaching/mentoring with me - Unlimited emails, phone calls, access to my personal Rolodex and the "family member treatment".
(One payment of 4997 $2997) Click to get started
30 days of intensive coaching/mentoring with me -Unlimited emails, phone calls, access to my personal Rolodex and the "family member treatment".
(One payment of $697 $497) Click to get started
Basically you'll be borrowing my brain, contacts and hookups for 30 days or 12 months (Depending on which program you pick)
And if you want to ask me any questions about my coaching/mentoring programs, feel free to email me at SteveHochmanCoaching@gmail.com
Rock on!

This blog is dedicated to helping you achieve your dreams through fitness.
Leave a comment below with your biggest, deepest desire, and will do everything I can to help you get there.
But don't just say to make more money.
Go way deeper.
What do you REALLY want.
Money is just a vehicle to get what you want.
So what is it...
Start by answering this question, "If I could just get..."
Fill in the blank and then ask, why?
Keep going deeper until you are at your true core and true desire.
Then leave it below in a comment.
Dedicated to your success,
Ya, that's me holding a baby bottle and a Pygmy Goat owners manual, with my best friend and business partner Bedros, who's holding his new Pygmy Goat.
So why am I telling you this, and what does it have to do with fitness marketing?
Well for one, I think it's cool-arious (a combination of cool and hilarious)
But I'll reveal the most important reason by telling you a little story about what my day was like on Thursday.
8:30 am: Woke up and had a green smoothie.
9:00 am: My wife and I took our girls to preschool (so awesome 🙂
9:15 am: Grabbed a green tea with my wife at Starbucks, hung out for a little bit.
10:00 - 12:00: Kick butt calls with my coaching clients.
1:00 pm: Got to Bedros's office and did an AWESOME coaching conference call with him for Fit Body Boot Camp.
1:30 pm: Bedros and I had a killer strategy session, then outsourced 90% of what we came up.
2:00 pm: Bedros and I went grabbed some sushi.
Here's a really cool fitness marketing strategy that pulled tons of clients into my boot camps.
It's also a great way to get some local media attention.
I shall name it... The School Donation Method... Muwwwaaaa! Muwaaaaaa!
And it will get you one-hundred-million-billion clients!
Ok, not one-hundred-million-billion, but a whole lot.
Here's what you need for this method to work.
(Btw... It's waaay easy 🙂
1. A school.
2. Plastic gift cards.
Schools need money for education and athletics.
You possess an extremely high value service soooo...
Before I figured out how to pop out six-figure boot camps, and co-created Fit Body Boot Camp, the greatest boot camp business model in the world, I was pulling multiple six-figures each year with group personal training.
In fact, I used a lot of my current boot camp marketing strategies to dominate group personal training back in the day.
So I though you would like to sit in and eavesdrop on a private fitness marketing meeting I held with the trainers at my personal training studio.
You can use these very same strategies in your boot camp marketing arsenal.
My brother, the fitness marketing evil genius, David Tendrich and I just got back from an awesome snowbarding trip to big Bear Ca.
We were celebrating because he literally just finished creating this AMAZING new software that pumps out over 80 beautiful, client pulling craigslist ads in just minutes.
so anyways, it was my second time ever snowboarding, and David's first!
And a trip just isn't fun unless it involves going to the EMERGENCY ROOM.
And THIS trip, was no exception.
My brother got into a fight with a tree and rock tag team.
And it appears that the tree and rock won this battle.
Luckily I documented the whole thing by taking pics on my iphone.
Let me know what you think below...
And thanks...
I'm really honored that the best fitness professionals in the world are on this blog.