
Fitness Marketing Mindset Series #3

Posted by on January 6, 2010 at 2:22 am

Fitness Marketing Mindset Series #3picture-1

One of the biggest factors that made opening six, six-figure boot camp locations in just 7 months happen was...


So how do YOU experience heaping amounts of endless, contagious, client attracting energy day in and day out?

Simple, NEVER wake up because you have clients in the morning.

That's right, it's a terrible reason to get up.


Fitness Marketing Mindset Series #2

Posted by on January 3, 2010 at 11:08 am

Fitness Marketing Mindset Series #2
(The Biggest Mistake With Visualization)

When I showed you the biggest mistake with visualization at 7:59 into the video, did you discover that YOU  have made that mistake?

I know I sure have...

So what can you take away from this...

1. If you own a fitness studio or boot camp, spend at least 3 minutes a day when it is empty, visualizing that is is PACKED with RAVING CLIENTS, and there are hundreds more lined literally lined up around the building waiting to get in.

Fitness Marketing Mindset Series #1

Posted by on December 31, 2009 at 8:13 pm

Fitness Marketing Mindset Series #1
(The Big Secret to Setting Goals)

All the fitness marketing tips and secrets in the world simply will not work, if you don't have the right MINDSET.

Your brain is SO powerful and will "automatically" do so many things to give you what you "want" out of life...


You must give your brain specifics...

It only works on specifics. (that's when the magic happens)


For example, Let's take (Trainer A) "I want to make more money"

Compared to...

How graphic design can completely revolutionize your fitness Marketing

Posted by on December 28, 2009 at 2:44 am

picture-13Heeeeeey Steve here and I hope you had a AMAZING Christmas!!

Lot's of food, family and friends 😀

Today I have a guest post from an ultra-talented graphic designer who actually "gets" how to make a sale.

Here name is Lou Levit from Unexpected Ways LLC and she also happens to be the girlfriend and business partner of my evil copy writing little bro David Tendrich

So with out further ado... Here's Lou!

Hi everyone, it's Lou from Unexpected Ways LLC,

I’ve noticed that a lot of people really undermine the importance of good graphic design and what it can do for their business. In this blog post, I hope to show you a new way to look at design, so if you don’t already, you can see how and why it can revolutionize your business more than you’ve ever imagined.

A while ago I was listening to this marketing presentation and towards the end the guy said: “…and then you give it to your graphics guy to throw in some cool graphics in and you’re good to go.”

That inspired me to write this post.

Let me explain:
Graphics guy ≠ cool graphics

Graphic designer = creative person + sales person + marketing person + psychologist

Design combines images, words, fonts, colors, etc. to show the core of who you are – it gives people a gut feeling about your business and guides them to trust and hire you. That way you can attract only the exact kind of people you want to work with, become more successful, and have more time for the things in life that make you truly happy.

The Success C.O.D.E.

Posted by on December 22, 2009 at 1:27 am

picture-11I'm going to pass on to you my simple success C.O.D.E. that will cause you to get massive amounts of stuff done so that you can enjoy an amazing lifestyle.

I call it the Success C.O.D.E, and it will change your life.

C.O.D.E is an acronym for:

Here's how it works...

"C" Create total CLARITY in your life by knowing exactly what your dream is.

For example, instead of saying I want more money, say I want to earn $8333.33 a month so I can make $100K per year.

An important part of clarity is defining WHY you want what you want, so you can move forward with a meaningful purpose.


"O" Organize yourself by creating a specific system to follow every day for achieving your dream.

For example, I end each day by writing down my "to-do" list for the next day, so that I wake up ultra productive.

Speak The Truth?

Posted by on December 19, 2009 at 3:05 am

picture-31Maybe you can help answer the question above...

Ya see this guy named "Jake" claiming to be a personal trainer left a pretty nasty message for Adam regarding the video he did on the last post while walking through a freezing snow storm.

The post was called "Speak It Into Existence" and it was super inspirational.

Here is the comment that "Jake" left.

Cool video but kind of sad. Aren't you a FBBC franchisee? Aren't you supposed to be making six figures by now? You were one of the original people to sign up. That would be almost 8 months ago.

Maybe the next time FBBC is released your testimonial shouldnt say how awesome the program is, but how you dont even have a car and you walk 30 minutes in freezing cold. Not busting on you as much as the promises of FBBC that might not deliver.
Speak the truth.

Jake - CPT


Be sure to leave "Jake" a message with your thoughts below.

Rock on!


Speak it into existence!

Posted by on December 14, 2009 at 10:40 am


I can't thank Adam enough for making this video and sharing both his experience and amazing mindset secrets.

Don't know about you, but I froze my butt off just watching that video.

We can all learn HUGE lessons from keeping things in perspective and using mindset secrets like Adam.

Adam Owns Fit Body Boot Camp in Toronto Canada and he is living proof that if you have a dream, and take massive action everyday, you will be unstoppable.

Be sure to leave Adam a comment about how his video inspired you!

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Autopsy Of A Done-For-You Fitness Marketing Mailer

Posted by on December 11, 2009 at 2:26 am

Autopsy of a fitness marketing mailer


Fitness Marketing comfort Zone Smasher

Posted by on December 5, 2009 at 1:48 am

This type of fitness marketing takes BALLS... Big balls!



It really is all about getting outta your comfort zone.

The more ya do it, the easier everthing becomes.

I hope you enjoyed the video, it really inspired me.

Be sure ya leave a comment for Mike telling him what you think.