Dude, the first boot camp I ever opened sucked hairy goat balls.
I remember it like it was yesterday... It was the day before Christmas Eve, I woke up at 4:30am and it was POURING RAIN and FREEZING COLD...
(Maybe not for the rest of the country but freezing for Cali lol)
Two girls showed up so I said what the hell... And made them workout in the rain.
Good times
The next few days were cold, wet and muddy...
Oh wait a minute... I just remembered I have video of it.
Check it out

So, after accidentally stumbling upon a boot camp GOLDMINE, Bedros "Multiple 7-Figure Income Streams" Keuilian and I created PROJECT X, which was finally unveiled at the FBS09... And if you were there then you know it was FRIGGIN CRAZY!
Oh ya, in case you still don't know... It's the greatest boot camp BUSINESS model on the planet... Fit Body Boot Camp.
The reason I say business model, is because unlike those other boot camps, this model was designed to be duplicated and replicated all the way up to seven figures.
Why am I running head first into a brick wall?
It's cuz I have a better chance at breaking through the wall, then earning six figures with personal training  at a corporate gym.
So then, why in the hell would a personal trainer purposely stay at a dead end corporate gym?
Well, there are two main reasons.
- That personal trainer doesn't know how EASY it really is to work for yourself.
- A mediocre personal trainer who has NO PASSION for being a fitness professional, and just wants a "job" to pay the bills.
If you're the second example and have no passion for fitness, then PLEASE, get out of the fitness industry now cuz Your giving us a bad rep!
However, if you want to have your VERY OWN FITNESS BIZ along with the income and respect that comes with it, then the "GREAT" Kaiser Serajuddin will show you how to... DUMP THE GYM!
Now hear it from the man himself...
[media: http://fitnessfranchiseblog.com/audio/kaiser.mp3]
Or you can download it below by right clicking and "save target as" or "save link as"
Interview with Kaiser
If you have ANY desire to stop working for the man, and start your very own successful fitness biz... Then check out Kaiser's new product! (Only available till Saturday)

I just interviewed my friend Lee Hayward to learn how he uses FACEBOOK to market his fitness information products.
BTW - He is making a KILLING on the internet đ
Facebook has become HUGE, and is WAY cheaper and in some ways more targeted than advertising for boot camps and group personal training on Google adwords.

[media: http://fitnessfranchiseblog.com/audio/lee.mp3]
Or you can download it below by right clicking and "save target as" or "save link as"
Lee Hayward Interview
Lee Hayward is an expert fitness info marketer and lives in New Finland Canada.
To learn more about Lee Hayward and his fitness products go here http://www.leehayward.blogspot.com and here http://www.leehayward.com
Hey, before you enjoy the fitness Marketing Tips from Scott Colby, Be sure to get the most INSANE and KILLER free boot camp marketing bonus gifts I've ever given - EVER!
Just enter your name and email in the box to the right where it says FREE BUSINESS TOOLS

Scott Colby runs fitness boot camps in Dallas Texas and is an expert boot camp marketer.
In this interview, Scott shares his boot camp marketing secrets using meetup, Facebook, blogs, craigslist, Ning, and more.
[media:http://fitnessfranchiseblog.com/audio/ScottColby.mp3] Or you can download it below by right clicking and "save target as" or "save link as"
Scott Colby Interview
To learn more about Scott Colby check him out at www.TheAbsExpert.com/blog
Just enter your name and email below where it says (free business tools) for FREE instant Access to the "boot camp marketing MUTHA- LOAD!
Have you heard all the legends about boot camp and group trainers getting BOAT LOADS of new clients by networking, only to get rejected and feel like a cheap solicitor when you try it?

Well, Â you're defiantly not alone, but the GOOD NEWS is that I've discovered an amazing method that not only gets other business's to refer you tons of clients, but they instantly kiss your ass within 23 seconds after meeting you.
One of my boot camp trainers had questions about using my "Network Referral System." and I thought you might want to listen in.

Or you can download it below by right clicking and "save target as" or "save link as"
Networking vs. Not Working
Be sure to leave a comment about your networking experiences Both good and bad...
I took my wife and two daughters to the mall this weekend for some good ol'Â family time.
The kids wanted to eat at the rain forest cafe.
It's actually pretty cool cuz there's elephants, gorillas, anacondas and alligators that are life size and move when ever the lightening and thunder effects go on.
They also have these dudes walking around, making balloon animals for the kids... They pretty much get paid
in tips.
Check out this quick lesson in marketing.
In this video notice the "$5 bill" hanging around the balloon dudes neck...
Also notice my wife giving him a "$5" tip. (Brilliant Subliminal marketing)
Subliminal, suggestive marketing stuff happens to us all the time.
For example...
So my little bro, David, is just a good kid going to college trying to make a few extra bucks to pay the bills.
The other day while we were playing Call of Duty 4 online, he tells me he thought it would be cool if he could give some guitar lessons in his spare time to earn some extra cash-o-la.
So I said dude, let's throw up a craigs list ad using some of my basic boot camp marketing strategies.
And I do mean basic stuff like:
- An attention getting headline
- A few rapport building dear friend paragraphs.
- Some social proof (testimonials)
- A back story (How he "accidentally. stumbled upon" an amazing method for teaching you to jam on the guitar .10x's faster and better)
- A clear call to action
- Some free bonuses
- A sense of urgency (I only have 2 spots left)
- And an attention getting subject line
The ad Kicked ass, and he starting getting prospects left and right...but that's not the most amazing part.
Let me explain
The entrepreneurial gene must be in our family because, before I knew it, my little brother hired a guy to TEACH his lessons while he just SITS BACK and spends about an hour a week marketing on craigslist.
And the crazy thing is, he's never spent a damn dime out of his pocket on marketing!
Check out this KILLER interview with my little brother, David.
Or you can download it below by right clicking and "save target as" or "save link as"
Download MP3
By the way, if you want to see what one of David's high conversion Craigs list ads look like click here
It's so cool how the same basic methods that kick ass for boot camp marketing, also work for guitar marketing.
Hell, they don't just kick ass, when you know how to market, you can completely DOMINATE your NITCH
(It's almost like you have an unfair advantage over everyone else in your industry)
Dude, just think, my baby bro is raking in the dough just spending 30 minutes a week on his guitar lessons biz, while his friends are slaving away at crappy jobs they hate.
Makes me proud to be a BIG BROTHER đ
To Learn more about my little genious bro David,
and his craiglist marketing biz, you can contact him
at DTendrich@gmail.com
Holy Shit!
This was one totally INSANE interview with the undisputed king fitness business, Bedros Keuilian!
Bedros happens to be one of my best buds in the whole world, in-fact, we even go on man-dates together once a month. (but that's a whole nother story)
You seriously don't want to miss one word of this interview as I grill the HELL-OUT-A Bedros to find out just what makes this dude tick.
I mean it, don't even blink during this interview cuz it's JAM-PACKED with Business GOLD!
How he went from homeless to millionaire (technically not homeless cuz he lived in his 1979 pickup)
Why it's powerful to think like an information provider
What Bedros does right before he goes to bed (It has to do with something hard)
The right way to extract money
Whether you're a personal trainer or a a KICK ASS boot camp instructor, having "AUTHORITY" status will give you a HUGE advantage
And if you don't, then you may be missing out on a whole bunch of cool stuff like:
- Charging higher rates
- Getting TONS more referrals
- Getting your ads up in restaurants
- Respect from other Trainers
- Easier sign ups
- Longer client retention
- Selling your own product for an additional income stream
- Getting your clients to do what you say without question

And the best part...