Magazines like US Weekly are calling
Valerie Waters Hollywood's #1 "A" list
celebrity trainer.
Luckily Val is a good friend of mine so she
agreed to an interview.
In this interview with Valerie, she explains that her unconventional fitness marketing is made up of these strategies and tactics:
- Talk client
- Defining your clientele
- Staying cutting edge
- Bringing you're "A" game
- How she was referred to Jim Carry
- How to have your own fitness show
By the way, here is a short list of some of Valerie's celebrity clientele, it's pretty
friggin impressive!
Jennifer Garner
Poppy Montgomery
Benicio Del Toro
Jim Carrey
Matt Dillion
Richard Gere |
Lauren Holly
Jennifer Lopez
Carrie Ann Moss
Jamie King
Jessica Biel |
Enjoy -
[media: http://fitnessfranchiseblog.com/audio/Valerie_Waters.mp3]
Or you can download it below by right clicking and "save target as" or "save link as"
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To learn more about Valerie waters and her amazing Val-Slides! http://www.valeriewaters.com

I've been literally getting 15-20 emails a day asking me two questions.
- When am I gonna come out with PROJECT X?
- What the hell is PROJECT X?
But what's funny is, besides going back and forth with Bedros on Twitter about how PROJECT X will dominate - This is the first time I have ever OFFICIALLY leaked anything out about it.
First, let me tell you WHY I created PROJECT X.
Here's what happened...
By now, you may have heard Internet marketing superstar Chris McCombs referring to me as the "GURU" OF GROUP TRAINING -
Hell, he'll even tell you that I was the guy that taught HIM how to do it right, when he was a trainer at my fitness studio.
And I'll tell you straight up, It felt damn good pulling in 250k a year while group training a measly 18 hours a week.
That is, until I accidentally stumbled upon PROJECT X.
But just for the record, it wasn't all me.
Bedros Keuilian had A LOT TO DO WITH IT!!!!
Don't get me wrong though, before I teamed up with Bedros, PROJECT X was already a monster money-making machine - Bedros just put wings, after-burners and sidewinder missiles on it...
He made it super-sonic $$

Jon Jungle of Jungle Fitness is one INSANE personal trainer.
He even got SHUT DOWN by his credit card processing company for signing up too many New clients - They said they had never seen a fitness trainer increase revenue that fast.
- Set and stick to your goals
- The three mistakes that keep some trainers from making 100k+
- Getting SHUT DOWN by a major credit card company for suspicious activity
- How he closes clients without giving a free session
- Training clients HARDCORE
- When it's good not to have a plan
- Not spending $1 dollar on advertising
Jon is very loud, intense, bounces off the walls with ENERGY and KICK ASS!
Enjoy -
[media: http://fitnessfranchiseblog.com/audio/jung.mp3]
To learn more about Jungle Fitness http://www.junglefitnessoc.com
In this revealing interview you will learn how Andrew Stearns went from getting kicked out of a gym and being broke, to using an out-of-the-box marketing strategy involving realtors to rake in $105,068 in just 3 weeks.
So grab a pen and paper and get ready to learn the step-by-step strategy to launching your own 6-figure direct mail campaign.
Enjoy -
[media: http://fitnessfranchiseblog.com/audio/stearns.mp3]
Or you can download it below by right clicking and "save target as" or "save link as"
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I just picked up a resume that some trainer left for me. A resume is no different then any other marketing piece - It's designed to sell... YOU!
But here's the problem with this trainer, and so many others... He has NO CLUE about marketing. And what's worse, he probably thinks he's a marketing BAD ASS and it's the economy not his CRAPPY marketing causing his fitness business to take a nosedive.
When I found out that my good buddy "7-Figure Studio Sam" A.K.A. "The Studio Killer Sam" had his own menu in dozens of restaurants all over Chino Hills, positioning HIM as the local expert, I had to find out how he did it.
Just imagine if everywhere your prospect turned, there you were being positioned as the LOCAL FITNESS GURU!
As usual, in this interview Sam holds NOTHING back as he reveals step-by-step how he literally became a local fitness celebrity.
And the coolest part is, Sam lays out a plan for you to EASILY do it too.
Or you can download it below by right clicking and "save target as" or "save link as"
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Even huge corporate chain restaurants like Johnny Rockets have Sam's special menus on their tables... Check it out!
Last week one of my favorite trainers (Who is smoking hot!!!) sent me a pretty crazy text.
Here is what it said.
"Hey Steve, here's the real deal. My boyfriend and I broke up a week ago and I moved out. I've been living out of my car and staying with friends all over Orange County and it's really starting to suck. I need to blow up my business HUGE in the next 3-6 weeks cuz if I don't by then, I'll have run out of places to stay. Can I do this and will you help me?"
So I did what anyone in my position would have done... I told her she can stay with me (Kidding)
I said I would help her create a what I call a "Human Billboard" lead generating email.
Now, for an email to be a lead magnet it has to have what I call the big 3:
1. An attention grabbing subject line. If your subject line looks spamy or boring, it won't get opened.
2. A compelling story. This is critical because it gets your prospects defenses down and softens them up for your pitch. If you don't give your prospect a darn good reason for your special offer, then they will be skeptical.
3. A clear CALL TO ACTION. You gotta tell them exactly what to do, how to do it, and what they will miss out on if they don't do it right away.
I cut and pasted the exact email that pulled $3,315 in 4 days below.
See if you can figure out why it worked so well...

In this Interview 7 Figure Sam "The Studio Killer" Bakhtiar holds NOTHING back as he reveals how he uses system and outsourcing to make over a million dollars a year with his fitness studio.
Your gonna definitely want to get out your pen and paper for this interview with Sam Bakhtiar as he shares how he grew is personal training studio.
And what ever you do don't blink because every second is filled with PT biz gold.
Sam Interview
Or you can download it below by right clicking and "save target as" or "save link as" Download MP3
Ps. At 6 minutes and 10 seconds into the interview, Sam give away his simple, but genius client retention technique...
Pss. At about 15 minutes into the interview Sam describes the exact method he uses to consistently turn a $3,200 investment into $50,000!
Also, here's the program that 7 figure Sam Bakhtiar uses to get more lead and clients, and a great video for you to watch as well.