Hey Steve here with a very special guest post from my Aussie bud Adam Toohey Oye! Oye! Oye!
Adam owns a Fit Body Boot Camp in Toronto and is a NLP voodoo master.
And in case you're wondering what NLP is, it's a system for using language patterns to "control" people's minds.
Pretty cool stuff.
But don't worry, I personally know that Adam only uses his "powers" for the good of mankind.
So, being a total giver, Adam decided to do a fitness marketing guess post on NLP and fitness marketing.
So without further ado...
Heeeeeeere's Adam!
Adam here, and I have a REALLY Important Question for you...
The Power of Questions is a topic that is frequently discussed in the areas of NLP, NAC and many other areas of discipline/therapy. As a Bootcamp instructor you are always asking your clients questions before they dive into your program...
These might include...
- What is your past Bootcamp/gym experience?
- Do you have any prior injuries or medical conditions?
- What specific goals do you have?
- What else do you want to achieve with Fit Body Bootcamp?
- Who referred you to this Bootcamp?
You get the idea...
We ask them these questions in order to get a little more of an understanding of their world and what we might expect from them within the confines of our camp.
But I have a question for you... (And it's not the REALLY Important one... yet)
Are your questions REALLY helping you to totally understand your clients' world?
Let's be honest... the PARQs and Consultation Forms that most BIG GYMS give to their clients SUCK!
Most of them provide nothing more than a brief background of your potential/new client and really never get to the core of who they are and what they value.
Now hear this... The quality of your questioning IS the quality of your communication. The quality of your questions will determine how soon you form an inseparable bond between yourself and your client.
And when you understand what's REALLY going on with your client they will stay with you FOREVER and you will be drowning in referrals. (A good problem to have)

Hey - Steve here just back from Orlaaaaaando Florida.
We (Me, Bedros, McCombs, Ballantyne, and Delmonte) just completed teaching our first 100k Group Mastermind.
That's where we take 34 fitness professionals, and lead them stet-by-step to building their very own hundred thousand dollar a year information product.
We had SUCH A BLAST... The ENERGY in this group was AMAZING!
Can you imagine... in the next 12 months, 34 fitness professionals will will make an ADDITIONAL $100k income stream by helping thousands of others with their info products.
For example, "mean" Jannine Murray who is a top personal trainer in Victoria BC will have an info product coming out that is going help women all over the world have the perfect bootie...
And I feel like by helping Jannine, to help make better booties world wide, I'm actually helping create WORLD PEACE.
...What? I do! LOL
One of the coolest parts for me, was to watch my little brother David Tendrich gave a smash hit presentation on how to write money sucking sales copy.
But ya want to hear something funny/cute...
David and his girlfriend Lou Lou, crashed in my hotel room Friday night.
And ya know how it's usually the guy who spoons the girl...
Well, when I woke up, I looked over and Lou Lou was sleeping behind my bro, holding him, with her arm and leg draped over him.
He looked so sweet in Lou Lou's arms...
Like a little baby gazelle being help by a lion.
And I had a little moment LOL...
But here's what I want you to check out...
My brother just did a KILLER fitness marketing guest post on how to do a super genius Thanksgiving promo
How to become a mega MASSIVE ACTION taker
A couple of weeks ago at the Fitness Info Summit, I did a little experiment from the stage.
I wanted to do 3 things:
1. See who the biggest action takers in the room were.
2. Discover WHY some people wont take action to get something they REALLY want.
3. Show how to OVERCOME that "thing" that keeps you from taking action when you want and need to.
Here's some pictures to "show" you exatly what happened...
Check it out.

So what lesson did we learn here?

Pretty intense stuff, huh -
However these two stories changed my life.
They have (so far) allowed me to NEVER have a bad day.
What the heck do coyotes, stuffed animals and mountain lions have to do with a badass fitness marketing referral system?
"Here's My Fun, Cheap And Kick Butt Fitness Marketing Referral System Called The Office Infiltration Method"
Economy what?
Economy Who?
When you have system after system after system of outta the box, little or no cost client attraction methods like the ones you're learning each week - You say economy, eshonomy!
Here is my "Office Infiltration referral Method" and what it has to do with coyotes and mountain lions.

I hope you had a super cool Halloween.
We hung out with the Keuilian's and the kids had a blast.
It's about 11:00pm on Sunday and I'm about to hit the sack.
But first I wanted to give you a list of 33 fitness marketing success tips so you can start off your November with a BOOM!
Enjoy -
1. Read or get the Audio Cd of How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie. This book changed my life.
2. Read or get the Audio Cd of The Power Of Intention by Wayne Dyre. Awesome book for learning the way to think for maximum success attraction.
3. Watch the DVD or get the Audio Cd of The Secret.
4. Subscribe to PTPower.com for the ultimate fitness marketing strategies from my BFF Bedros Keuilian.
5. Visit KickBackLife.com for big Chris McCombs' killer lifestyle and fitness marketing tactics.
6. Learn how to get TONS of new clients by writing cash pulling sales copy from my little genius brother David Tendrich's blog ACupOfCopy.net
7. Learn the latest fitness marketing methods that me, Bedros and McCombs are doing to dominate the industry with the Fitness Marketing Manifesto.

8. Open multiple 6-figure boot camps run by other trainers so you can finally experience the same financial freedom and lifestyle that me and Bedros do with your very own Fit Body Boot Camp.

My Sure Fire Boot Camp Marketing Tactic That Got Me 37 New Clients In 30 Days Without Spending a Friggin Dime
On Fitness Marketing
http://fitnessfranchiseblog.com/video/Video 70.flv
And one more thing...

So I'm feeling pretty fired up right now.
And instead of talking about boot camp marketing and fitness marketing to make money, I'm gonna plead with you to learn ALL the client getting secrets that you can so you can help STOP this child abuse.
Sure, the money and material things are great, but having your fitness marketing dialed in is about HELPING MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF PEOPLE!
That's why we became fitness professionals in the first place right.
Before I jump on a plan and head back to Cali from speaking at the Fitness Info Summit in Orlando Florida, I'm gonna TELL and SHOW you why I you to be a kick ass fitness marketer.
I took my family to Disney World and I saw something terrible, and it's happening all over America.
Parents are shoving the same disgusting and poisonous crap down their kids mouths that made them (the parents) OBESE!
I know they HAVE to LOVE their kids... RIGHT?
Well then seriously... W... T...F!
(I just realized I'm probably gonna break my laptop from hitting the keys so friggin hard... BUT I'M PISSED!)
I know the excuse is that maybe they just DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER.
But how can they NOT know???
If they weigh 300+ pounds, and have to waddl when they walke, or even worse, use a motorized wheel chair just to get around, then how the hell can they think that the same thing wont happen to their kids?
I took some pics with my iphone so you can see why I'm FREAKING OUT!
So after TONS of emails asking to SEE video of ME teaching a boot camp...
The long awaited day has finally come.
Today no more talk about boot camp marketing or fitness marketing...
Nope, today you get to SEE me in ACTION!
But first, watch this video of the "4 most important things" you should do RIGHT NOW to blow up your boot camp or personal training biz!

And now...
Without further ado...
here is ME teaching a boot camp 😀
Watch me teach a boot camp >>here<<