I'm putting this post up from the Fitness Business Summit where my coaching clients and Fit Body Boot Camp owners are friggin KILLING in in their business and living the life of their dreams.
Posted by Steve Hochman on April 26, 2010 at 1:30 am
Think of boot camp marketing strategies like little spokes on a wheel all going to the hub (your boot camp)
The goal is to have dozens of "spokes" constantly funneling clients into your boot camp.
And just like a wheel isn't stable with just a few spokes, your boot camp isn't stable with just a few marketing tactics.
Why do you need so many boot camp marketing "spokes" dripping clients into your boot camp, as apposed to just on or two?
Because Google may decide (even though it's not true) that you're doing something shady, and Google slap your website to the 90th page.
(I've seen this happen and it SUCKS!)
Or craigslist can get saturated, and not produce clients anymore.
Or the tanning salon that refers you dozens of clients may close or sell or decide to refer to their family friend who happens to be a personal trainer.
Ya get the picture?
So to avoid this from happening, and to jam pack your boot camp with eager new clients, I've made you a list 11 of my favorite boot camp marketing "spokes" on a wheel.
1) Facebook Ads - You can laser target cities, genders, interests, age and much more. And Facebook ads are way LESS expensive and way MORE targeted then PPC on Google, Yahoo and Bing.
2) Plastic Gift Referrals Cards - These are 100x's better than fliers. Hand your plastic gift cards to your boot campers and see why these are the ultimate referral tools. (more…)
Posted by Steve Hochman on April 15, 2010 at 2:23 pm
As a gift I'm going to give you one of my done-for-you Craigslist ads specifically designed for tax season (now)
The reason it works is because it's totally believable.
And that's important because anytime you have a sale or give a deep discount, you have to justify it or your prospect will think there's a catch.
So here is my exact ad (Just copy and paste)
Subject – Huge Tax Sale On OC Boot Camp (75% Discount)
Hi, my name is Steve Hochman and I’ve helped more local residents lose weight than any other personal trainer in OC.
That’s the problem!
It seems that Uncle Sam thinks that I’ve helped a few too many people and I got hit with a pretty steep tax bill that I wasn’t prepared for. (more…)
Posted by Steve Hochman on April 14, 2010 at 3:12 am
News Flash - You don't have to be smart, have a degree or multiple certifications to have the dominant boot camps in your city.
And if I'm being completely honest (which good or bad I always am with ya) I was only officially certified for 1 of the 10 years that I was an active trainer.
Yet I still (Before I owned boot camps, or a personal training studio) made over a quarter million a year while making a positive difference in lives of over 700 clients.
Now I'm not saying don't get certified, if I could go back I probably would have.
But the reason my business exploded and allowed me to live an amazing lifestyle while opening the doors to so many opportunities was because I consistently did these eleven simple things below.
1. Raise your energy - I always raised my energy... Ya, I brought the "thunder" EVERY SINGLE TIME! I really can't stress that enough, but trust me, it works. Act like you have a friggin film crew following you, or you are on a stage in front of thousands - And BRING THE ENERGY. (more…)
I just received a text from Alisson letting me know that they had a blast hanging out and collected over 40 highly qualified leads.
But that doesn't surprise me because Alisson is KILLING IT with her two trainers that help run her 4 Fit Body Boot Camps.
Just like Alisson does, I highly recommend that you have a solid "game plan" before you attempt to market you fitness boot camp at an event like a bridal expo.
Here's 10 quick tips for marketing your fitness boot camp at a bridal expo. (more…)
Ya know, when you work hard, it's also important to play hard.
Everything in nature ebbs and flows in cycles - Nothing stays constant.
And taking a break, having fun and getting a little crazy sometimes is... "healthy" 🙂
And that's exactly what we did in Las Vegas after two long days of coaching the 100k Info Mastermind Group with my buddy's Bedros, Big Chris McCombs, Craig Ballantyne, and Vince Delmonte.
We took the peeps in our group to Club Hayz in the new Ariea Hotel, and it was off the hook.
And it was pretty cool seeing Snoop dogg perform live.
(For some reason as soon as Snoop stepped on stage, I noticed a funny smell in the club... Hmmm, can you guess what it was?) (more…)
This blog is about flooding your boot camps with new clients using the most POWERFUL, TESTED and PROVEN boot camp marketing formulas on the planet.
Simple put, this stuff is proven to work... Period.
In fact, after fixing the old "broken" boot camp model, I co-founded Fit Body Boot Camp, the largest fastest growing and most in-demand boot camp franchise in the world.
If you' re ready to DOMINATE and get a ton of new clients, you've come to the right place!
So visit this blog often, take massive action and get the live lifestyle of your dreams.
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