
Octavio The Great: How To Prequalify And Close 99.9% Of Your Facebok Viral Leads

Posted by on September 8, 2011 at 4:11 pm

My man, the GREAT Octavio just posted another video about how he is KILLING IT with the FBVM.

But he didn't "plan" on figuring out this AWESOME strategy for per-qualifying and closing 99% of his FBVM leads...

...he needed to figure out a way to deal with the landslide of leads and separate the "cream" from the "crap".

In this video you will:

  • Learn how to EASILY get your FBVM prospects credit card over the phone.
  • Discover how to qualify your FBVM prospects so you can weed out the tire kickers.
  • Get the exact script that Octavio uses to get FBVM prospects to NOT FLAKE on coming in.

So here is what he does.

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Just in case you missed the first two Face Book Viral Methods, here is video one and video two.

The Face Book Viral Boot Camp Marketing Method: UNLEASHED!

Posted by on September 7, 2011 at 3:38 am

One of my VIP Boot Camp Mastermind members and FBBC owner Octiavo Fortia just took My "Facebook Viral" Method to a whole-nother lever!

And by taking the FBVM to another level I'm talking about getting over 70 leads and 25 clients in 4 days.

And as you know on SH.com we don't F--k around, so, here is exactly how he did it and how you can do the same!


Be sure to give Octavio some love for sharing his badass client getting "tweaks" to the FBVM.

Octavio is a personal trainer in El Paso Texas and owns a jam packed Fit Body Boot Camp in El paso Texas.

The Facebook Viral Method

Posted by on August 25, 2011 at 2:30 am

SHOCKING PROOF that the "Facebook Viral Method" gets you
new boot camp members in just a couple hours!


after just a few minutes!


And the LEAD WAR is on!



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I thought it would be easy if I just posted the facebook viral messages.

1.  For current boot camp members - Hey Carmen, I wanna train up to 5 of your friends totally free for a 21 day body transformation challenge -  Leave an @ comment below with who you think would be the best fit (no pun intended) ... And share this with your friends… And share this too 🙂

Crazy Client Attracting Workplace Flier

Posted by on August 17, 2011 at 11:56 pm

A few months back two of my private coaching clients said they just got "in" with a huge corporation.

They said the corporation would let them put an ad in their newsletter and also place a flier in the company break rooms.

So they asked me if I could create a flier that would attract clients like crazy.

Now, I have to admit that I'm not a huge fan oi fliers because they are mostly cheesy and do nothing but take up space.

But I knew this was a pretty awesome opportunity and my client worked really hard to get "in" with this giant corporation (It was kaiser permanente) so I told them I would do it.

Well, it would be pretty embarrassing if I created a flyer that didn't pull clients, so it's a good thing that IT PULLED CLIENTS LIKE CRAZY!

So go ahead and swipe and deploy the my "Work Place Client Attracting Flier"

Btw, you can also use it as an email to company employees too 🙂

“Amazing Fat Loss Secret Discovered From A 297 Pound Pizza Delivery Dude Vaporizes Unwanted Pounds And Inches With Shocking Quickness”

Hi my name is (YOUR NAME) and I’m going to share a little know fitness and fat loss secret with you.

Despite all the “misinformation” out there and what the “experts” say, you don’t need to suffer through strict diets or spend 3 hours a day in the gym to look and feel amazing.

And it doesn’t have to take several months or even years to drop those pesky pounds that are keeping you from fitting in your “skinny jeans” as they sit in your closet collecting dust.

In fact you can vaporize up to 7-9 pounds in just 14 days.

And I’m going to prove it to you over the next two weeks with the amazing 14 Day Fat Furnace.

It’s a two week boot camp style workout and “non-diet” food plan designed for fast fat loss.

I’ve discounted the 14 Day Fat Furnace to just $67 bucks for (NAME OF BIZ) employees.

Guest Post – Boot Camp Marketing With A Caring Heart

Posted by on August 10, 2011 at 1:49 am

My VIP Mastermind member Tina Fike just sent over one of the most refreshing blog posts I've seen in a long time.

It's about how to market your boot camp by CARING and having "HEART".

These two main ingredients are way to often forgotten when it comes to the boot camp empire building formula.

Ya gotta read this...

So without further ado, here's Tina...

Hey Tina here...

I have not been at this whole “bootcamp” training thing for very long (only about 2 years, worked as a personal trainer for a few years before this).

I flat out failed business in college (literally failed my accounting and computer classes then switched majors entirely)

…heck I graduated with a degree in psychology and then when I could not get a job with that degree I decided I was going to go to grad school and get my PhD in neuroscience (no freaking joke).

Regardless, I had gotten my personal training certification with a friend years back just for fun (I ran triathlons in college, even competed at a national level with it so figured what the heck).

The only job I could get my hands on after college was as a trainer at a local gym…now here I am years later running this kick ass group training program in the middle of bum-nowhere Missouri.

This town is barely a speck on the map but thanks to the US Army this is where we ended up (and I must say…it grows on you).

Now, not even 4 months after getting here my programs are blowing up and I had almost 25 clients without ANY marketing at all and I think I know why...

I like to ask my clients often why they stick with me and why they enjoy my programs as much as they do.

Almost always the answer is, “well…tina, you care about me and don’t let me screw around with my goals.”

I think this is overlooked far too often in any industry but especially in our industry.

The New “Jordan Sticker Shock Human Billboard Method”

Posted by on August 7, 2011 at 3:56 pm



So, I got this text from my Vip Coaching Coaching Client Jordan Kunde-Wright (See on the right) and I KNEW it was pure brilliance..

You can use the "Jordan Sticker-Shock Close" in person or even on the phone, but it works best right after a potential Human Billboard comes to your boot camp and tries out your workout.

Now, at 2:56 into the video, Jordan reveals the exact words that he uses to "close" Human Billboards (Often for double the normal HB rate!)

And the crazy part is that he stumbled upon this technique completely by accident.

But I'd bet just about anything that if he wasn't such a massive action taker he would never have discovered this, and he wouldn't be sharing it with you know.

The concept is that if an average boot camp charges around $200 per month, the Human billboard rate would be a 75% discount of that, so $50 per month, but they would pay up front for 6 months so it's $300.

Jordan tells them that normally 6 months is $1200, but they can have the HB 50 percent discount of $600 paid up front for 6 months.

If they resist, he offers to break the $600 into two payments of $300.

Reality Is BS, This Is The Truth

Posted by on August 5, 2011 at 1:47 pm

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What you have at the moment does not define who you are.

Octavio Hires A Trainer – Part II

Posted by on August 1, 2011 at 5:01 pm
Info PR: n/a I: 1,120 L: 0 L: 0 LD: 1,247 I: 141 Rank: 224841 Age: February 12, 2009 I: 0 whois source Robo: yes Sitemap: yes Rank: 1024266 Price: 291 Density

So after my last post of "Octavia Hires A Trainer" part 1, where I showed a video of one of my VIP coaching clients conducting trainer interviews, I had a lot of questions like:

•    How much do I pay my trainers?
•    How do I motivate my trainers to get referrals?
•    How do I get my trainers to help with client retention?
•    When is the right time to hire a trainer?
•    How do I get another trainer to take my place without pissing off my existing clients?

So I made this video for you where I show you step-by-step how to easily do ALL of this.