Way before I started getting referred to as the world's undisputed boot camp marketing authority, I had a little problem...
Ya see, I opened a personal training center and since I spent all my cash reserves, I needed to figure out a way to get clients fast or I would be screwed when it came time to pa the rent.
So I got 40 Human Billboards (This was before I named Human Billboards, Human Billboards) and asked ONE VERY, VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION.
It was, "Where do you work?"
This one little question CHANGED My LIFE.
Ya see, it turned out that 11 out of my 25 Human Billboards worked at offices that ranged from 20 to 1000 employees.
Now, fast forward 30 days later and I had over 27 FULL PRICED clients and here's the EXACT FORMULA for how I did it (and you can do the same)

With out a doubt, one of the biggest reasons behind my success was that out sourced EVERYTHING that wasn't directly related to marketing, selling, motivating and delegating.

And now a peak at that ad I promised you...

And THAT is how it's done.
Way to go Coach Cara!
And if YOU are ready to take your boot camps to the next level... A level of FREEDOM, SECURITY and AMAZING LIFESTYLE...
Then it would be a good idea to register for the 30 Day Boot Camp Success Accelerator.
It is almost sold out, so if you want in, now is the time.
The 30 Day Boot Camp Success Accelerator

The 30 Day Boot Camp Success Accelerator

Hey - Steve here with a very special guest post from my friend Craig Ballantyne.
It blows my mind how Craig continually gets MASSIVE amounts of STUFF DONE as he continues to grow his fitness empire!
Craig was cool enough to share 5 of his top fitness marketing secrets you must do every month to explode your business this year.
So without further ado... Here's Craig.
Everyday I get up and start my day with a 60 minute dog walk here in Toronto. When I get home, I start work by reviewing 6 different secret documents that guide me, inspire me, and motivate me to keep pushing, and keep churning out the content, workouts, blog posts, and help for my clients.
One of those documents is a list of "10 things you must do every month" from one of Dan Kennedy's "No BS" business books. Each day I review one of the 10 and see how it can guide me on an email I'm writing, a product I'm creating, or even just how it can give me a kick in the butt to finish a project.
So what I've done for you is taken 5 of the 10 and applied them to your boot camp marketing. Review one of these everyday - Monday to Friday - and it will give you insanely effective ideas for getting more campers and keeping them happy.
Fitness Marketing Mindset Series #5

Having a mentor can mean the difference between growing your fitness empire as fast a super-sonic jet fighter or as slow as an old propeller plane.

Think about this for a second...
How many goals did you hit last year?
How many clients did you sign up?
How many boot camp locations did you open?
How much progress did you make getting other trainers to work for you?
How much income did you generate?
How much MORE of all this would you have accomplished with the right coach?

Fitness Marketing Mindset Series #4

If ya really think about it, every experience in life comes down to perspective.
For instance, if you go to the movies in the daytime, when you get out it seems really bright outside.
But it's no brighter than it was when you went in, it's just that your eyes became adjusted to the dark movie theater.
So in perspective to the "dark", the "light" seems SO much brighter.
I'm sure you've jumped into a hot tub and it felt boiling hot... Until you got used to it, then it felt soooo warm and relaxing.
Why? Perspective.
The same works with "fear"
Here are two killer fitness marketing strategies to do around the holiday season (as in right now)
I go way into depth with Fit Body Boot Camp Members, but you can put these into action right away.
Ya see, most fitness professionals wait until the first of the year, and then offer a new years "special" promo.
So here's how to get jump start on the fitness marketing frenzy.
Offer a 21 day rapid fat loss challenge for just $97 bucks.
Here's why this is so cool:
1. At $97 bucks, there is a very low cost barrier to entry.
2. At just 21 days, it requires very little commitment.
3. And most importantly, if you start it now, it will carry on THROUGH January 1st... Neutralizing your competition.
I also recommend that ya do an up-sell where you offer an additional 7 days for free, making it a 28 day program, if they agree to sign up and continue on your monthly program after the 28 days is up.
The other tip is to handout $100 plastic gift cards to your clients to use as holiday gifts for their friends.
Explain to your clients that you want to help them save mucho holiday shopping de nero' by giving away your gift cards as presents.
That's an awesome way to get a TON of new referrals.
But WAAAY more important than fitness marketing, remember to love your family, because that's by far what really matters most!
Ok, have an AMAZING day!!
Steve :))
This type of fitness marketing takes BALLS... Big balls!


It really is all about getting outta your comfort zone.
The more ya do it, the easier everthing becomes.
I hope you enjoyed the video, it really inspired me.
Be sure ya leave a comment for Mike telling him what you think.