Fitness Marketing Mindset Series #4
If ya really think about it, every experience in life comes down to perspective.
For instance, if you go to the movies in the daytime, when you get out it seems really bright outside.
But it's no brighter than it was when you went in, it's just that your eyes became adjusted to the dark movie theater.
So in perspective to the "dark", the "light" seems SO much brighter.
I'm sure you've jumped into a hot tub and it felt boiling hot... Until you got used to it, then it felt soooo warm and relaxing.
Why? Perspective.
The same works with "fear"
One of the biggest factors that made opening six, six-figure boot camp locations in just 7 months happen was...
So how do YOU experience heaping amounts of endless, contagious, client attracting energy day in and day out?
Simple, NEVER wake up because you have clients in the morning.
That's right, it's a terrible reason to get up.
Fitness Marketing Mindset Series #2
(The Biggest Mistake With Visualization)
When I showed you the biggest mistake with visualization at 7:59 into the video, did you discover that YOU have made that mistake?
I know I sure have...
So what can you take away from this...
1. If you own a fitness studio or boot camp, spend at least 3 minutes a day when it is empty, visualizing that is is PACKED with RAVING CLIENTS, and there are hundreds more lined literally lined up around the building waiting to get in.
The true meaning of wealth is not measured by what you have, but by what you can give.
And if your a regular on, then you're getting tons of great tips, strategies and tactics for MAKING the cash-o-la... And lot's of it.
And with money comes power, and with power comes the ability to help MASSIVE amounts of people in need.
For example, Bedros and I are using Fit Body Boot Camp to launch a nation wide charity to feed starving families called "Burn The Fat, Feed The Hungry"
Steve Hochman Inc. is working with abused and abandoned kids that have been pretty much lost and forgotten.
And my personal training studio, is giving free Saturday workouts if you bring a can of food or a toy that we will donate to a local shelter.
But you can give everyday... and it doesn't have to be much... for example:
This type of fitness marketing takes BALLS... Big balls!
It really is all about getting outta your comfort zone.
The more ya do it, the easier everthing becomes.
I hope you enjoyed the video, it really inspired me.
Be sure ya leave a comment for Mike telling him what you think.
Your friend Steve here and I have a very short, but POWERFUL post for ya.
It's about YOU making some big shit happen in your life.
Not just waking up in the morning to repeat the same day as the one before, but REALLY living the life of your dreams, on purpose, and on YOUR terms.
It's about NOT being an EFFECT, but being the friggin CAUSE.
It's about not just doing, but DOMINATING.
It's about looking in the mirror and seeing a badass business warrior who cannot be stopped.
A warrior who gets knocked down 9 times, smiles and gets up 10 times.
I'm here to tell you that you CAN start living your dream... RIGHT NOW.
You CAN dare to DREAM BIG... I mean BIIIIGGGGG...
Like if you can do ANYTHING, and could not fail... That big.
Like the kind of big that makes you look fear in the face, and say, "Where ya going bitch, let's party..."
Hey Steve here with a very special guest post from my Aussie bud Adam Toohey Oye! Oye! Oye!
Adam owns a Fit Body Boot Camp in Toronto and is a NLP voodoo master.
And in case you're wondering what NLP is, it's a system for using language patterns to "control" people's minds.
Pretty cool stuff.
But don't worry, I personally know that Adam only uses his "powers" for the good of mankind.
So, being a total giver, Adam decided to do a fitness marketing guess post on NLP and fitness marketing.
So without further ado...
Heeeeeeere's Adam!
Adam here, and I have a REALLY Important Question for you...
The Power of Questions is a topic that is frequently discussed in the areas of NLP, NAC and many other areas of discipline/therapy. As a Bootcamp instructor you are always asking your clients questions before they dive into your program...
These might include...
- What is your past Bootcamp/gym experience?
- Do you have any prior injuries or medical conditions?
- What specific goals do you have?
- What else do you want to achieve with Fit Body Bootcamp?
- Who referred you to this Bootcamp?
You get the idea...
We ask them these questions in order to get a little more of an understanding of their world and what we might expect from them within the confines of our camp.
But I have a question for you... (And it's not the REALLY Important one... yet)
Are your questions REALLY helping you to totally understand your clients' world?
Let's be honest... the PARQs and Consultation Forms that most BIG GYMS give to their clients SUCK!
Most of them provide nothing more than a brief background of your potential/new client and really never get to the core of who they are and what they value.
Now hear this... The quality of your questioning IS the quality of your communication. The quality of your questions will determine how soon you form an inseparable bond between yourself and your client.
And when you understand what's REALLY going on with your client they will stay with you FOREVER and you will be drowning in referrals. (A good problem to have)
Pretty intense stuff, huh -
However these two stories changed my life.
They have (so far) allowed me to NEVER have a bad day.