So I'm feeling pretty fired up right now.
And instead of talking about boot camp marketing and fitness marketing to make money, I'm gonna plead with you to learn ALL the client getting secrets that you can so you can help STOP this child abuse.
Sure, the money and material things are great, but having your fitness marketing dialed in is about HELPING MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF PEOPLE!
That's why we became fitness professionals in the first place right.
Before I jump on a plan and head back to Cali from speaking at the Fitness Info Summit in Orlando Florida, I'm gonna TELL and SHOW you why I you to be a kick ass fitness marketer.
I took my family to Disney World and I saw something terrible, and it's happening all over America.
Parents are shoving the same disgusting and poisonous crap down their kids mouths that made them (the parents) OBESE!
I know they HAVE to LOVE their kids... RIGHT?
Well then seriously... W... T...F!
(I just realized I'm probably gonna break my laptop from hitting the keys so friggin hard... BUT I'M PISSED!)
I know the excuse is that maybe they just DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER.
But how can they NOT know???
If they weigh 300+ pounds, and have to waddl when they walke, or even worse, use a motorized wheel chair just to get around, then how the hell can they think that the same thing wont happen to their kids?
I took some pics with my iphone so you can see why I'm FREAKING OUT!
CRAZY Bootcamp marketing tip at 4:26 into the video
[flv.image=http://fitnessfranchiseblog.com/video/travis fundraiser.jpg]http://fitnessfranchiseblog.com/video/travis fundraiser.flv[/flv]
Hey, Steve here -
I hope you enjoyed meeting my first business mentor and learning some sneaky boot camp marketing tactics.
The key here is to take immediate, measurable and massive action on the fitness marketing tips you've just absorbed.
The Fit Body Boot Camp business model, (opening up again this Wednesday, Oct 14th at 8:00am sharp) is full of ready-to-go, done-for-you boot camp marketing strategies, systems and tactics to EXPLODE your boot camps to six-figures in as little as 60 days.
However, I must warn ya...
Fit Body Boot Camp is NOT a magic bullet that will do all the work for ya...
You have to implement this stuff for it to work (Duh).
With that said...
If you're a massive action taking success minded fitness professional, then we've practically hand you your six-figure income on a silver platter here
So if you would rather DOMINATE the industry with your kick butt boot camps, instead of trying to re-invernt the wheel, then www.MyFitBodyBootCamp.com is for you!
Talk to ya soon,
Ps. If you interested then don't dilly-dally because one a teritory is taken, it's gone for good.
Grab your spot on the "early bird" guest list so you can "cut" in line and secure your Fit Body boot Camp territory a full hour before everyone else here.

Here are 29 tips that have helped me achieve massive business success
Enjoy 🙂
1. Be the CAUSE... Not the EFFECT
2. Pull and push as many others UP... Never down
3. The more you help others get what they want... the more you'll get what you want
4. You're a Fighter Jet... Make sure you fly with other fighter jets... If you fly with propeller planes,
you'll have to slow down to their speed, and may even stall... Stay super-sonic
5. Go all out on the 5% that propels your business forward... Out source the other 95%
6. Surround your self with people who make 10x's more money than you... You will automatically pick up their habits
7. Cut ALL negativity out of your life... Especially negative people
8. Spend MORE time outside of your comfort zone
9. DON'T try to reinvent the wheel... Find a proven formula and use it
10. Talk about your business to 10 more people a day than you do now... That's 300 more over 30 days... 3600 more over a year
11. Expect success... We get what we expect
Hey - I have a VERY IMPORTANT video for you to watch that answers all the questions we're
getting about the Fit Body Boot Camp real business model (see below)
But first....
Here are some friggin killer fitness marketing mindset lessons you can learn from the
Spartan warriors
Check it out...
Me and Bedros are getting a TON of questions about the Fit Body Boot Camp Business Model
that we are releasing a very limited number of this Wednesday, July 29 at 9:00am PST
(First come, first serve only)
So we shot a quick video to answer those questions here
And we are gonna have a live tele-seminar to go in depth about
the Fit Body Boot Camp Business Model...
This is what to do to get access to the tele-seminar
Tuesday, July 28 at 1:00pm PST
DATE: Tuesday, July 28th at 1:00 PM PST / 4:00 PM EST
CALL IN NUMBER: (218) 844-8799
The 'doors' open Wednesday at 9:00 AM PST and it is first come first serve
- so once a territory is taken, it's protected - meaning we won't allow
other FBBC locations to open near by.
Ps. Be sure to watch this video with me and Bedros here
So after TONS of emails asking to SEE video of ME teaching a boot camp...
The long awaited day has finally come.
Today no more talk about boot camp marketing or fitness marketing...
Nope, today you get to SEE me in ACTION!
But first, watch this video of the "4 most important things" you should do RIGHT NOW to blow up your boot camp or personal training biz!

And now...
Without further ado...
here is ME teaching a boot camp 😀
Watch me teach a boot camp >>here<<
I'm gonna tell you about how to get a free 60 minute coaching call with me in just a minute.
(My coaching clients usually make $6,279 within 1 week after the first call from one secret that I give them)
But first I want you to know how FRIGGIN COOL it was at FBS09 to meet so many peeps that made boat loads of cash-o-la form my blog.
One girl made 24k in two weeks with one of my tips... That was AWESOME 😀
Seriously, my #1 passion in life, besides being a daddy and husband, is helping fitness professionals make TONS of MULLA.
It's like an addiction... I literally get a high from it.
(Is that weird? Cuz I was on a lot of ADD meds as a kid and I think it messed with my brain a little)
So here's how to get a free 60 Minute
coaching call with me...
Leave a comment with exactly how my blog has helped you to over come an obstacle and make more money.
Be very specific...
What were you struggling with?
What was the tip, tactic or strategy that you applied?
Exactly how much money did you make?
How long did it take?
The blog is great, but there's nothing like one-on-one live mentoring.
After you leave your detailed comment, my assistant Ariel will contact you and set up your coaching call.
I can't wait to read your success story!
Talk to ya soon

Hey, before you enjoy your 31 Boot Camp Marketing Tips, Be sure to get the most INSANE and KILLER free boot camp marketing bonus gifts I've ever given - EVER!
Just enter your name and email in the box to the right where it says FREE BUSINESS TOOLS

1. It's Show Time
Treat your fitness boot camp like a show! You're not teaching a boot camp, you're giving a friggin performance... Act like the MAIN EVENT
2. Bring the ENERGY!
It's the difference between a good boot camp and a great boot camp. It's the difference between your boot camp and the one down the street. Anyone can stand there and count reps.
Pretend you're on a TV show in front of the nation... And friggin BRING IT!
3. Stay Vertical
Demonstrate exercises without getting on the ground... Not everyone can hear or see you and it takes to long... Plus it sucks when people are standing around so
4. Go A.P.E.
Give each and every client MASSIVE appreciation every workout,
Stay passionate by constantly learning new kick butt workouts.
And bring the enthusiasm by linking your boot camp to achieving your life dream.
5. Be the Alpha Male Of The Group (AMOG)
And that means FEMALE instructors too... Yep that's right...
You're clients, especially the female ones, naturally follow the AMOG's. So be the AUTHORITY.
(Tip) Make needless corrections... like telling your clients to move their feet in ½ an inch... Clients will work harder... and get better results... If they're CONVINCED you're the AMOG authority!
Guest post by Leanne Ellington
Dude my girl Leanne Ellington is on a friggin ROLL so I just had to share this "Hitting the nail on the head" guest post with you... (I know she just did a guest post a week ago, but this is the SHIZNIT)
Enjoy -
One of the most powerful teaching modes out there is to simply learn from other people's experiences-whether good or bad. You can learn a lot by watching how others execute tasks, mingle with their inner-circle, and manage, micromanage, or even dictate.
After watching one of my most favorite villains time and time again kick-ass, take names, intimidate the crap out of people, and then still inevitably fail, I think we can take away a lot from... Dr. Evil!
Let's take a look at his most memorable action steps...
Gather the World's Most Deadliest Assassins...
Dr. Evil formed his crew by getting together a group of the finest, most inherently evil, most cunning and ruthless individuals on the planet, and they would take care of his dirty work for him.
He chose these people particularly because he knew that no one else would get the job done properly, efficiently, and according to his precise instructions.
He didn't waste his time or try to save nickels and dimes by getting people half as good. He knew what he wanted, and he went out there and got the best.
Are you messing around with... bonehead staff, subpar employees, negative and pessimistic colleagues and friends, or human billboards that aren't pulling their weight? Do you arm yourself with the best people that are capable of doing things
the way you want them to be done?
Are you involved in masterminds, fitness and boot camp marketing conferences and events, and hanging around people that possess the qualities that you also find important and wish to possess yourself?
If you couldn't answer, "YES" to all these questions, you need to gather your group of "deadly assassins" that can help you get wherever it is you are going after.
You have the choice to hang out with the crème de la crème, the best of the best-that goes for people working for you or with you. Haters, crabs, and life-suckers will only move you backwards. It's as simple as that.

I just interviewed THE GREAT Jaya Figueras on his five steps to becoming a badass boot camp instructor.
It was more like his five steps to becoming a BADASS HUMAN... Period.
...And as usual, he over delivered like a mofo!
Jaiya even gives 1 tip that will instantly separate you from 99.9 percent of other boot camp instructors and personal trainers.
One of the coolest things about this interview is that Jaiya explains his 5 principles of success in such a simple way... ANYONE can do it.

But I've gotta WARN YOU!
The first 11 minutes and 39 seconds of this interview are NOT for t he easily offended or easily grossed out!
However, if you're like me, you'll laugh your ass off because it has to do with two VERY EMBARRASSING things that happened to Jaiya LOL
So it's your choice...
Skip the hilarious but gross stories and start the audio at 11 minutes and 30, or, BRACE YOURSELF and listen to the whole enchilada!

[media: http://fitnessfranchiseblog.com/audio/jaiya.mp3]
Or you can download it below by right clicking and "save target as" or "save link as"
Interview with Jaiya
To learn more abut Jaiya Figueras and his 5 success principals go to http://ynvworkouts.com
Be sure to leave a comment with your BIGGEST TAKE-AWAYS from this interview... And also leave some of your own success tips.