I just interviewed THE GREAT Jaya Figueras on his five steps to becoming a badass boot camp instructor.
It was more like his five steps to becoming a BADASS HUMAN... Period.
...And as usual, he over delivered like a mofo!
Jaiya even gives 1 tip that will instantly separate you from 99.9 percent of other boot camp instructors and personal trainers.
One of the coolest things about this interview is that Jaiya explains his 5 principles of success in such a simple way... ANYONE can do it.
But I've gotta WARN YOU!
The first 11 minutes and 39 seconds of this interview are NOT for t he easily offended or easily grossed out!
However, if you're like me, you'll laugh your ass off because it has to do with two VERY EMBARRASSING things that happened to Jaiya LOL
So it's your choice...
Skip the hilarious but gross stories and start the audio at 11 minutes and 30, or, BRACE YOURSELF and listen to the whole enchilada!
[media: http://fitnessfranchiseblog.com/audio/jaiya.mp3]
Or you can download it below by right clicking and "save target as" or "save link as"
Interview with Jaiya
To learn more abut Jaiya Figueras and his 5 success principals go to http://ynvworkouts.com
Be sure to leave a comment with your BIGGEST TAKE-AWAYS from this interview... And also leave some of your own success tips.
I interviewed this MANIAC from Brooklyn New York named Bryan Ortiz AKA "The Fitness Demon"
He's been KILL'N it with his boot camps in Brooklyn and making them stand out from his competition by adding boxing to his workouts.
This has had two HUGE impacts on his boot camp profits because...
- He is getting more clients with his boot camp marketing because it's different then his competition (He has TONS of competition in NYC)
- Because there are so many variations of boxing workouts, his boot camp workouts stay FRESH and NEW which ads HEAPS of VALUE and longer CLIENT RETENTION.
I know that to stay PASSIONATE you have to constantly learn new ways to KICK your client's butts...
You know how when you learn a cool new routine your like, "Oh, your gonna get it today... I got a new workout that's gonna kick your butt!"
You get excited and your boot campers get excited!
Remember my A.P.E principals
Appreciation -
ALWAYS profusely THANK your clients when they come in... And thank them for a great workout when they leave!
Passion -
Stay passionate by constantly learning new stuff, and kicking your client's butts with it... It ads TONS of VALUE and they'll love ya for it.
Enthusiasm -
Know what your life's DREAM is... And when you get up in the morning and go to your boot camp... Don't do it for ypur clients... Do it because it's the next logical step to achieving your LIFE'S DREAM.
You'll End up delivering WAY more ENERGY then your clients expect... And it will be a HUGE WIN-WIN for both of you!
Dude, the first boot camp I ever opened sucked hairy goat balls.
I remember it like it was yesterday... It was the day before Christmas Eve, I woke up at 4:30am and it was POURING RAIN and FREEZING COLD...
(Maybe not for the rest of the country but freezing for Cali lol)
Two girls showed up so I said what the hell... And made them workout in the rain.
Good times
The next few days were cold, wet and muddy...
Oh wait a minute... I just remembered I have video of it.
Check it out
So, after accidentally stumbling upon a boot camp GOLDMINE, Bedros "Multiple 7-Figure Income Streams" Keuilian and I created PROJECT X, which was finally unveiled at the FBS09... And if you were there then you know it was FRIGGIN CRAZY!
Oh ya, in case you still don't know... It's the greatest boot camp BUSINESS model on the planet... Fit Body Boot Camp.
The reason I say business model, is because unlike those other boot camps, this model was designed to be duplicated and replicated all the way up to seven figures.
ATTENTION: This may affect you!
To understand the evolution of the fitness boot camp and how YOU CAN AVOID becoming extinct, listen up.
The second wave of fitness boot camps are here right now!
Let me explain.
It all started with military boot camps, also called basic training. Usually these boot camps would last about 9 weeks.
Recruits would arrive soft and out of shape but leave supercharged fitness machines. They would have a drill sergeant screaming at them to try to break them down, forcing all the recruits become one cohesive unit, then build them back up.
Well, some fitness dude got the idea of having a fitness boot camp for the GENERAL PUBLIC... And modeled it after a military boot camp. And hey, it was pretty cool, especially since there was no competition.
Then shows like the Biggest loser, and Celebrity Boot Camp kick started a media frenzy resulting in boot camps (following this same model) poping up in every nook and cranny.
Then, one boot camp model became every popular... Mostly cuz it was the only official model around at the time...
The problem was "IT" copied the military model and everyone else copied "IT"
And that was fine... for the FIRST GENERATION.
But heads up... the second generation has begun, and it makes the old one look like a knuckle dragging caveman. (more…)
I just interviewed my friend Lee Hayward to learn how he uses FACEBOOK to market his fitness information products.
BTW - He is making a KILLING on the internet 😀
Facebook has become HUGE, and is WAY cheaper and in some ways more targeted than advertising for boot camps and group personal training on Google adwords.
[media: http://fitnessfranchiseblog.com/audio/lee.mp3]
Or you can download it below by right clicking and "save target as" or "save link as"
Lee Hayward Interview
Lee Hayward is an expert fitness info marketer and lives in New Finland Canada.
To learn more about Lee Hayward and his fitness products go here http://www.leehayward.blogspot.com and here http://www.leehayward.com
All the badass boot camp marketing in the world won't save your boot camps from the "Boot Camp Grim Reaper" if they're being compared to a $19 a month aerobics class.
Lately I've noticed some local boot camps falling into the trap of replicating exercises, movements and themes done in a aerobics classes.
Here's why this can be a HUGE problem, and you may not even know it.
Most of your boot camp clients have either seen or been in some sort of classes offered at those huge chain gyms.
When you imitate anything done in one of those classes, your members either consciously or unconsciously make a comparison in their brain.
When this happens, the value of your boot camp goes WAY down, and they suddenly start feeling like they are paying too much.
What's weird is, they might not even know why they are feeling like that.
The bad news is this usually leads to "unexpected client cancelations"
And that SUCKS gorilla balls!
So, to make sure that shit doesn't accidentally happen to you, I made a quick video to watch!
Enjoy -
I teamed up with one of my boot camp coaching clients today and taught the class WITH her. (I had a blast and lost my voice, too)
I asked her if it would be cool to share her boot camp review on my blog and she said "yup, no problem" (That was way cool of her since this video was just for her)
This girl is gonna be a ROCKSTAR. She has only been teaching boot camp for 2 weeks and already has 20 people a class!
In this NEVER BEEN VIEWED video, my boot camp marketing client gets critiqued right after her workout.
During this short 5:42 video we cover:
- Kick ass vs. lame ass themes
- Dangerous Ab exercises
- Acting like an AUTHORITY!
- And American Idol
Enjoy -
Lately I've had a ton of people who are using my boot camp marketing strategies ask me how the hell do I have so much energy.
I think one reason I'm getting this question so much is because when your boot camps are flooded with massive amounts of members, it can take a bit more energy then usual.
Shit, there's nothing worse then having 30 to 50 paying boot campers in front of you when your energy's low... THAT SUCKS big hairy donkey balls!
Here's a quick video explaining my "Endless Energy" secret
Enjoy -
BTW, Me, Chris McCombs and of course Bedros will be speaking here.
Ok, let's jump right into this one...
Boot camp marketing and bringing TONS of friggin "energy" are WAY important when it comes to crank'n out six-figure boot camps.
So, what the hell does having a "theme" for your workouts have to do with anything?
Darn good question.
Here's just a small handful of the benefits you reap from doing what I call "theming" your boot camp workouts.
- Clients work harder so they get faster results.
- More referrals... WAY more!
- You'll get mega respect from your clients.
- Your boot camp workouts will "flow" much smoother.
- You'll build MASSIVE trust and rapport with your boot camp members.
- You'll "stay in your client's head" all day.
- You'll become a topic around the "water cooler" at your clients work, resulting in referrals up the yin yang.
- You'll be able to push and motivate even the most difficult pain in the butt clients.
- You'll set YOUR boot camps far apart from other, way less cool, boot camps.
- You'll look and feel WAY more professional and miles ahead of your "competition"
Here's a little video for you to learn all about how to "theme" your boot camp workouts like a true fitness guru.
Enjoy -
Ps. Be sure to leave a comment with anything you would like to see me post about to help you ROCK your boot camps to 100k+