Holy Shit!
This was one totally INSANE interview with the undisputed king fitness business, Bedros Keuilian!
Bedros happens to be one of my best buds in the whole world, in-fact, we even go on man-dates together once a month. (but that's a whole nother story)
You seriously don't want to miss one word of this interview as I grill the HELL-OUT-A Bedros to find out just what makes this dude tick.
I mean it, don't even blink during this interview cuz it's JAM-PACKED with Business GOLD!
How he went from homeless to millionaire (technically not homeless cuz he lived in his 1979 pickup)
Why it's powerful to think like an information provider
What Bedros does right before he goes to bed (It has to do with something hard)
The right way to extract money
Whether you're a personal trainer or a a KICK ASS boot camp instructor, having "AUTHORITY" status will give you a HUGE advantage
And if you don't, then you may be missing out on a whole bunch of cool stuff like:
- Charging higher rates
- Getting TONS more referrals
- Getting your ads up in restaurants
- Respect from other Trainers
- Easier sign ups
- Longer client retention
- Selling your own product for an additional income stream
- Getting your clients to do what you say without question

And the best part...

I've been literally getting 15-20 emails a day asking me two questions.
- When am I gonna come out with PROJECT X?
- What the hell is PROJECT X?
But what's funny is, besides going back and forth with Bedros on Twitter about how PROJECT X will dominate - This is the first time I have ever OFFICIALLY leaked anything out about it.
First, let me tell you WHY I created PROJECT X.
Here's what happened...
By now, you may have heard Internet marketing superstar Chris McCombs referring to me as the "GURU" OF GROUP TRAINING -
Hell, he'll even tell you that I was the guy that taught HIM how to do it right, when he was a trainer at my fitness studio.
And I'll tell you straight up, It felt damn good pulling in 250k a year while group training a measly 18 hours a week.
That is, until I accidentally stumbled upon PROJECT X.
But just for the record, it wasn't all me.
Bedros Keuilian had A LOT TO DO WITH IT!!!!
Don't get me wrong though, before I teamed up with Bedros, PROJECT X was already a monster money-making machine - Bedros just put wings, after-burners and sidewinder missiles on it...
He made it super-sonic $$

I was chilling in my Jacuzzi in my backyard tonight just letting my mind wander.
And it hit me
I can teach marketing tactics to personal trainers and boot camp instructors all day but it wont do a damn bit of good if you can't get clients to truly love you... I didn't say like you... I said friggin LOVE you!
So I grabbed my cell phone (almost dropped it in the water) and recorded a memo of ten things fitness trainers can do to get clients to RAVE about you!
1. Give your clients needless corrections to position you as an authority. This makes clients feel like they are getting even more value from you. When you make these "needless" corrections, act like it is the most important thing in the world (but only an expert like you would understand it)

When clients are doing squats my favorite is to say, "Bring your left foot out 2 millimeters... Perfect!"
2. Energy! Crank it WAY up! So many fitness trainers are stale and boring... F#$k that... Each session is a performance... It's Showtime!
3. Greet your clients like a dog.
4. One of the strongest human emotions is the desire feel important.When you client walks in at like she's the friggin president of the United States!
5. Give off a huge client appreciation vibe. If it wasn't for them you would have a lame 9-5 job (YUCK)
6. Have a secret fitness formula.