How To Build The Perfect Website For Your Fitness Business

Building a website for your fitness business can be a daunting task if you’ve never done it before. Its actually a lot easier and cheaper today than it used to be before WordPress came along, but there are still so many things to remember and rules that must be followed to keep the search engines happy, especially Big Brother Google.

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Domain Name

Finding a good domain name these days is difficult but if you’re starting your own fitness business and you’re using your own name that can be a lot easier. Make sure your domain name is relevant and easy to remember, .com is still the extension to go for.

Choosing a Host

You’ll need a host with great customer service 24/7 and one with a good reputation with secure servers, backup and minimal downtime. Read the rest of How To Build The Perfect Website For Your Fitness Business

How to Market a Fitness Boot Camp in your Area

When you first start out as a fitness trainer, the chances are you’re only going to start out with a couple of clients. Obviously the best way to build your client base is to get referrals. Word of mouth is the cheapest and most effective marketing you can ever hope for but it’s probably not going to build your business fast enough to give you a decent income for the first few months.

Time to start marketing your fitness boot camp, so what are the most effective and cheapest ways to do that?


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Trends in the Fitness Industry and Why They are Important to Your Fitness Business

This is a guest post by Fit Body Boot Camp co-founder Bedros Keuilian.

Enter Bedros...

I’ve been coaching and offering consultation to fitness professionals for well over a decade and I wanted to share an abbreviated version of an email I recently sent out to my subscribers titled the Official Annual State of the Industry Report which could also be called a Fit Body Boot Camp Franchise Review.

I didn’t expect the enormous response I got but it was good to know so many people in this industry are eager to understand which way the business is headed. My Report is all based on careful research and facts, and anybody who knows me personally will tell you I put my best efforts into everything I do.


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3 Best Lead Generation Practices For The Fitness Industry – How To Market A Fitness Boot Camp

Okay you’re fitness PRO, not some marketing whizz.  The truth is that most fitness professionals have little or no clue about how to go about how to market a fitness business.  They think that having their credentials on the wall with a photo of them doing a smiling oily pose is going to entice everyone to sign up with them. Wrong. You have to get prospects in the door first, and secondly they don’t care too much about what you look like, it’s what they hope to look like after they’ve used your services!

It’s all about the prospect.

As everyone in this industry knows, the best (and cheapest) leads are referrals, those prospects who lift the phone because their friend, co-worker, colleague – whatever - has gone from being a blob to a babe.  See where we’re going here? People want proof.

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How To Sell Fitness – A Fitness Sales Strategy Guide

Closing is not about YOU

If there’s a sudden look of dread on your face, I guarantee that word “close” was the cause.  You’re in this business to make money, and if you’re lucky enough to have a good supply of leads you must concentrate on perfecting and mastering the art of closing and converting more leads into sales. It must be part of your fitness sales strategies.

Hopefully you’ve already started your own Fitness Bootcamp – and if not, why not?  Bootcamps are without a doubt one of the best ways to promote your one-on-one fitness training sessions.

People are already familiar with you and your methods, they like and trust you and they’re probably seeing results, so why not help them go one step further?  Not everyone will want one-on-one sessions. Many people feel more comfortable being part of a group, but some will, so be sure to stress the benefits and the value of personalized training to everyone.

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How to retain your personal training clients longer

Continuing on my previous post, I decided to give a more in depth analysis on how to actually accomplish what I suggested previously on each topic starting with Fitness Business Retention.

One of the most time-consuming and expensive aspects of running any kind of business is finding new leads. Indeed many owners of fitness training facilities concentrate most of their efforts on finding new clients instead of retaining the ones they already have!

So how do you do that?

how-to-retain-personal-training-clients_1How are your Customer Service Skills?

Why are people leaving? In order to find out why the majority of your clients are not renewing the most efficient way is to send them an e-mail containing a questionnaire, with plenty of room to add their own comments. Calling them is not so effective because many people will tell you what they think you want to hear and they won’t be quite so honest!

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How to Make 10% More on your Fitness Business

You’re working hard – really hard at your fitness training business but you’re still not quite there when it comes to how much you’re earning. You’ve cut a few costs here and there, but the fitness business strategies you are using are no showing much of an improvement.  You can’t work any more hours than you do, your marketing budget is lean and effective (is it?) and you certainly don’t want to cut down the hours that other staff members work. All that means is more work for you.

So what’s the solution?

There are 4 things you can do to get above that earnings ceiling that are simple to implement and which won’t cost you a lot of additional work.

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Five Big Mistakes to Avoid when Starting a Personal Training Business

1. Not Finding your Niche

If you look at the number of potential clients that live within your area, you may be overwhelmed. You might be asking - How do I market to everyone? How can I appeal to the overweight teenager, the mom that’s just had a kid, seniors that need very specialized help and athletes that need intensive sport-specific fitness training?

The answer is that as a fitness trainer you can’t be all things to all people.  You should specialize in and concentrate on developing a fitness business doing what you love doing.  If you hate noisy, overweight, soda-guzzling, fast-food eating teenagers, let someone else deal with them.

Conduct extensive market research before you decide on your niche.  Look at local demographics, and then see how many other local fitness trainers are offering the same services as you’re hoping to offer. Can you offer a superior service or fill a niche that has yet to be exploited?

Find out what extra certification you might need, sign up for the classes and focus.

Marketing will also be considerably easier if you choose a specific niche. Then you can concentrate all your efforts on becoming the go-to person in your particular field.

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How a Personal Training Newsletter will Build your Brand

In fitness training your name is often your brand.  Online, the leading fitness experts are searched for by name rather than by any company name they may own.

So how can you keep your name at the forefront of your clients’ and prospects’ minds?  The key is to stay in touch with your list regularly, and a solid personal trainer marketing plan including fitness newsletters are a great way to gain and build brand recognition.

If you have a website or a blog and you don’t have a lead capture page or opt-in box you’re missing out on the most effective ways to capture qualified leads. If you do have an opt-in box but don’t offer your visitors and clients a reason to stay subscribed, then it’s a pointless exercise.

Being a fitness trainer probably means you’re busy from dawn to dusk. Maybe the thought of writing scares you to death, or perhaps you have no clue what to say in a regular newsletter or most likely, you simply don’t have the time to do it. What then?

One of the best personal training marketing strategies is sending out regular fitness newsletters. It’s highly cost-effective and will bring a great return on investment, whether you do it yourself or you sign up for a service such as FitPro newsletter.

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