The TRUTH about Boot Camp Formula 5

I was pretty blown away when Dustin sent me this unexpected video...

AND I was pretty shocked that Dustin Maher broke the law by speeding in his Beamer HA!

Can you imagin how amazing Dustin must feel to go from living in a trainer park, to making $50k a month and living his dream lifestyle...

I mean how cool is it to cruz around in your BMW  and see all your boot camps packed with clients and being taught by other trainers.

What a feeling 🙂

This is exactly why I created Boot Camp Formula 5 for you.

And that is why I decided to include THREE WEEKS of coaching calls with BCF5.

But the doors and the opportunity close in just 2 more days, so if you wnt in, now's your chance.

To learn more about Boot Camp Formula 5 go here

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I hope you enjoyed the video 🙂

Before I forget, I made you something REALLY COOL.

I just released a 3 week program to BOOT CAMP DOMINATION...

It's called Boot Camp Formula 5 and it's filling up pretty fast.

I've taken my very best marketing and business exploding strategies and jam packed them into a 3 week intensive mentoring course.

I've literally poured one and a half years of my blood, sweat and tears into this program so YOU too can enjoy the same freedom and lifestyle that I do.

There are gonna be a lot of new multiple six-figure boot camp owners very soon...

Check it out here and see if it's right for you.

I'm pretty darn sure it is if your serious about completely dominating with your boot camp.

But see for your self...

>>Click here<<

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Fitness Camp Marketing “Do Now”

Hey, Steve here...

I just got back from a crazy trip with the fam to Venice Beach...

Ya know, where Aaaanold used to workout during the Mr. Olympia years.

If you haven't had a chance yet, get down their and check out the scene...

So Today I want to let you in on a few things...

First, I want to THANK EVERYONE for their support.

I just finished my six week body transformation... I dropped 17 LBS, feel incredible and am ready to keep the progress going (for life)

Special thanks to my BFF Bedros, Lisa Maloy and Justin "The Boot Camp Dominator" Blum

Next, here's something you can do right now for free to get 10-30 new clients depending on how big your contact list is.
Read the rest of Fitness Camp Marketing “Do Now”

Posted in Uncategorized by Steve Hochman | 2 Comments

12 Things I Am Greateful For

Hey, Steve here and this last week has been pretty crazy.

Bedros and I just accepted 95 more of the most DOMINATING Fit Body Boot Camp owners and territories I've ever seen.

While all this was going on, I went on a five city tour to visit some of my top coaching clients in Texas, Delaware, New York and New Jersey.

It was an insane 4 day trip that included planes, trains, rental cars and taxis...

...And AWESOME interviews where my top coaching clients "spill the beans" about EXACTLY what they are doing to DOMINATE in their areas.

More on that in a minute...

Right now I want to thank and show my heart felt APPRECIATION for the people and things in my life that TOTALLY ROCK!

First, I want to thank my two girls Kayla and Riley.

I know they have no idea how happy they make me.

No matter what's going on, what inner battles I'm fighting, or what anyone thinks about me...

There they are, running to me with there arms open and huge smiles on their faces as they jump in my arms and say, "DADDY, DADDY, DADDY!"

Their little hugs cause all my emotional scars from the day to heal and recharge me in a way that only they can...

I'm grateful for my BBBBFF (best best best best friend forever) Bedros

until I met Bedros, I never had a best friend before.

I sort of just did my own thing.

But Bedros is like the brother I never had.

He's the funniest, smartest, coolest, wisest, most fun dudes I've ever met.

And how cool is it that we are also business partners.

Oh, and yes, some people joke like we are "more than friends" cuz we are so close... And guess what, I don't care, I wouldn't change a thing... And if I was the kind of guy that went out with dudes, I would definitely go out with Bedros cuz he's one good looking mofo...

So thank you Bedros 🙂
Read the rest of 12 Things I Am Greateful For

Posted in Uncategorized by Steve Hochman | 13 Comments

Boot Camp Owner Speaks Out!

By now you've probably heard all the buzz about the Fit Body Boot Camp business model from everyone who's anyone in the industry.

And I don't blame you if you're a little skeptical.

I mean I would be too... I mean it sounds a little too good.

So don't take my or Bedros's word for it... Watch this UNSOLICITED video from Fit Body Boot Camp owner Justin Blum.

I've never seen such a genuine heart felt video before.

It really moves me that we have such a tight Fit Body Boot Camp family.

And I think that the biggest reason is that we don't just hand you over a bunch of done-for-you marketing and business systems and then say see ya later...
Read the rest of Boot Camp Owner Speaks Out!

Posted in Uncategorized by Steve Hochman | 6 Comments

10 Boot Camp Business Building Blocks

Hey - Steve here, and I'm about to take my wife Sy to see the movie "Eclipse"

She read all of the books in like 2 days which is pretty hard for a guy like me with off the charts A.D.D. to do without feeling like my heads gonna explode ha!

Anyways, I love vampire movies, I think they're badass.

I think it would be so cool to be a Vampire (I never said I didn't have issues 🙂

Btw... Do you watch "True Blood" on HBO?

I LOVE that show...

So I wanted to share these 10 boot camp business building blocks with you because so many trainers forget to do this stuff.

I practically beat these building blocks into my coaching clients.

1.  Systematize And Use Proven Systems - Don't just "teach" boot camp.  Make either use a model that already had proven systems in place like Fit Body Boot Camp, or create your own systems.

The important thing is, that you USE SYSTEMS for everything from taking sales, to running promotions, to following up on prospects.

2.  Tell People What You're gonna Do, Then DO IT! - 21 days ago when I decided I was gonna get my lean body back, I made it public on my blog and Facebook.
Read the rest of 10 Boot Camp Business Building Blocks

Posted in Uncategorized by Steve Hochman | 19 Comments

Turning A Boot Camp “Job” Into A Boot Camp “Business”

If you don't want to train boot camp clients for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE, like when you're 40, 50 even 60 years old... Then watch this video to avoid making a HUGE mistake.

I hope you enjoyed the video, I thought I kind of sounded a little dorky...

Click this link to see an amazing step-by-step boot camp marketing blueprint

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Boot Camp Marketing Outta Da Box With Day Care- Guest Post

Heeey - Steve here.

One of our Fit Body Boot Camp owners in Illinois named Dustin Martorano, just sent me an email with a darn good "out-of-thebox" boot camp marketing idea.

(Our Fit Body Boot Camp owners are always pushing the envelope... I love it)

Here is the email...

"Hey Steve, I came up with an idea of how us trainers can get daycare for FREE and blow up our businesses all at the same time.  I attached a word document with details.  Let me know what you think"

And here's the blueprint for his "Day Care Optimizer" strategy.

FREE-4-U Day Care Optimizer

Why should you have day care available?

It’s simple really.

How many times have you had a prospect completely sold up to the minute they ask about day care?

Do you recall how crappy it felt to lose a client because they didn’t have a baby sitter?

I can’t tell you how many prospects have slipped through my fingers for that very reason.  I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way.

I’ve figured out a way to get local day care centers to practically beg you to send your clients there allowing you to never have to deal with the “I have no-one to watch my kids” objection ever again.
Read the rest of Boot Camp Marketing Outta Da Box With Day Care- Guest Post

Posted in Uncategorized by Steve Hochman | 11 Comments

Fitness marketing Lotto Ticket – 1255 New Clients In One Day

How one of my coaching clients Jonathan Acosta with Get Sexy San Antonio Boot Camp got 1255 new clients in a day

Here are those other daily deal websites that I found:

Read the rest of Fitness marketing Lotto Ticket – 1255 New Clients In One Day

Posted in Uncategorized by Steve Hochman | 11 Comments