What makes the Fit Body Boot Camp Franchise Model Unique?
The answer to the million dollar question above are the four S.
These four simple words are the pilars responsible for the rapid growth of the Fit Body Boot Camp fitness franchise locations.
Support, Systems, Sales and Services.
Let's dissect it further...
Even if you did manage to persuade your bank manager or your grandmother to help finance your business, at some point you’re going to have to think long and hard to come up with the most effective ways of personal training marketing.
A Business Loan Application must Contain a Solid Marketing Plan
Indeed, if you’re about to go cap in hand to your bank manager you probably already know you’ll have to draw up a solid business plan – and a large part of it must contain your personal trainer marketing plan if you want to get that loan.
How much are you going to ask for? This is a question only you can answer, but bear in mind that the majority of small businesses fail within their first three years, and very often because they’re under-funded.
You should have at least six-months of expenses tucked away, so you can pay rent, bills, insurance and marketing costs etc., and have enough money left over to eat, pay your personal bills and put gas in your car! You must be absolutely certain of how much you need to run your business and pay your personal expenses. (more…)
Out of all the top numbers you must manage on your Fitness Business retention is by far the one trainers pay least attention.
It is also the easiest to control and master since it takes a great deal of common sense.
Retention starts from any communication you have with a prospect and is an endless quest.
Make sure all communication with your prospects, clients and past clients are done in a professional but relaxed manner. Greet all your clients by first name and make sure to say good bye to each of them at the end of each session.
From the time a prospects walk through your facility’s door they must have an immediate positive impression. A place must at a minimum be clean and smell good.
Fitness facilities tend to smell “sweaty” and you don’t smell it if you are the one sweating but for a client walking in, that has not worked out for a while (if ever) it can be very negative.
They say a house buyer decides if the house is a possibility or not within the first fifteen seconds in it. Even though there are no scientific studies like this for fitness I believe it is also true.
Let’s agree that you are all good trainers that can deliver results. So I won’t bother telling you that you actually have to deliver results to your clients as this is a given. How you deliver those results though can be a big differentiator.
You trainer should always be helpful and mindful of all your clients. Giving them attention and recognition goes a long way.
Always being on time is another big one. Nothing will turn a client off more than having to wait for a trainer or even worst, waiting and the trainer not showing up.
Contact: Bedros Keuilian
Company: PTPower
Phone: (800) 261-0208
Email: support@keuilian.com
URL: http://ptpower.com
Bedros Keuilian Speaks Out
USA: Bedros Keuilian, owner of PT Power and creator of such products as the FitPro Newsletter and The Art of Selling Fitness, has spoken out about the unscrupulous rumors about him and his products that hit the internet a while back. Google searches for the term ‘Bedros Keuilian scam’ turn up some abusive and highly suspect posts from several people.
“I’m shocked and disappointed at having been the target of some unscrupulous scam accusations online,” Bedros said recently. “It’s telling that none of these people seem to be willing to provide their real names, preferring instead to hide behind a fake user name or identity.”
Unfortunately Bedros Keuilian is not the first entrepreneurial success story to have been on the receiving end of such scam rumors. Fortunately many of the scam stories have been responded to not by Bedros himself, but by many of his satisfied customers. Indeed one particularly abusive accusation was responded to by several clients who all testified to how much success they have achieved since investing in one of his programs.
“While the internet has made it easy for people to establish their own businesses, it has also made it easy for some people to abuse others behind a fake name,” Bedros explained. “Honest people can have their business and image damaged online by unscrupulous agenda driven people, and this is what happened to me – an honest person who has helped many others in the past. It’s a shame these people feel the need to try and ruin honest business people. However with that said, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank all my clients who stood up and responded to these people, without any prompting from me. I was very touched by that.” (more…)
I’ve heard a lot of people say recently that e-mail marketing is dead, and can only come to the conclusion that these people are running campaigns pushing male enhancement products and alike, because personal training e-mail marketing has never been better!
What? No Opt-in Box? You need an Email Marketing Tool!
If you haven’t got an opt-in box to capture e-mail addresses on your website then you must make it a priority. Being able to capture people’s names and addresses with their permission can help you to build relationships with them and a more successful business.
If you’ve already built your website or blog then it’s a simple process to sign up for a monthly autoresponder service. Fit Pro Newsletter make it really easy for fitness professionals to have a personal trainer email marketing service that has every important feature you can think, complies with the Can-Spam rules and, most importantly, is easy to use.
Fit Pro Newsletter will be one of the most effective lead generation tools you will ever have for your business. Don't worry if you’re not sure how to use an autoresponder service to conduct an effective e-mail marketing campaign, Fit Pro has a very responsive support team that will make sure you are making the most of the system. (more…)
Even if you are not in the fitness business, the following four tips will help you decide if you want to start your own business, or possibly help you get your current business back on the right track.
Starting a fitness business is not easy. You have an lots of things to deal with daily that are small alone but combined can mount up.
It’s easy to get overrun, so what I recommend you take a few hours away from everything to analyze your current situation.
One of the biggest fears business owner have is if will happen to them – you can get sick or so buried you give in and lose control. That would be bad.
YOU are the most important part of your business, so always take time out for yourself and your family and enjoy life. But most importantly, make sure that your business does not shut down if you are not around for a few days. A vacation is always necessary! (more…)
If you are a Personal Trainer I’m sure your entrepreneurial side has manifested itself at some point. Maybe you thought about opening up a gym, or your own fitness boot camp or maybe you've thought about investing into a personal training franchise.
You thought how cool it would be to have your own business instead of working for somebody else. Or, maybe, you already opened your own business but have been struggling to “get it right”.
Let me tell you there is no doubt that the best way to succeed is to go the franchise route, however choosing the wrong franchise to partner with can put you in a potentially bad position.
One of the biggest benefits of a personal training franchise business is not having to reinvent the wheel each step of the way, because you can trust on the franchise model. It’s proven!
Having said that, I feel compelled to also point out to you that not all franchises are "proven". Here are a few of the most important things you need to be aware of when looking around for a strong personal training franchise brand.
The Personal Training Franchise Model Explained... (more…)
It’s interesting to see how some Fitness Boot Camp have an amazing track record of getting referrals, but others, don’t.
This is usually a black and white situation. These businesses either get or they don’t.
This factor doesn’t necessarily have a direct correlation on either the business is a success or a failure but, being good getting referrals sure make it a whole lot easier to run your fitness boot camp business successfully.
On top of knowing how to market a fitness boot camp, you must understand that your prospects and clients are looking for results at first and you must be able to deliver it in order to survive in this business.
But, what now? You are delivering results but there are probably dozens of other personal trainers and boot camps in your area that are also doing so.
So? How do you stand out from this “fitness crowd?” How do you not only keep the clients but also have them refer their friends, families and co-workers to you?
The word that best encapsulates what you need to focus on is EXPERIENCE!
Aside from awesome results you must deliver an awesome experience, an experience that your prospects and clients are not able to find anywhere else.
By now you are probably asking yourself, but HOW? I share a few of the tools we use at Fit Body Boot Camp below.
We all know how frustrating it can be trying to brainstorm new fitness marketing strategies for your business – sometimes it feels like you’re doing the same thing over and over again, with little or no gain. But you’re going to love me folks, because I’ve done all the work for you. Here’s a list of 21 fitness marketing strategies that you can put to good use the next time you’re "stuck." You are welcome!
1. Learn to become a better "assistant buyer" and sell your services more effectively.
2. Build an email list of business owners, local prospects, former clients, and current clients by offering free reports, eBooks, etc. on your website or blog.
3. Run free boot camps for your community one day a week for the course of a month. (I would suggest a day of the weekend, preferably a Saturday.) This way, people can try out your services, learn to love you and what your boot camp has to offer, and spread the word among neighbors, friends, etc.
4. Call former clients and give them short term, low cost offers to come to your program. Make sure the deals you offer are irresistible – make it so they can’t say no! (more…)