What The Hell Happened At FBS09

kissFBS09 was a friggin ROCK SHOW!  Nothing has ever come close... I'm still buzzing from it... Seriously I can barley type.  I think I pooped in my pants... (just kidding about the poop)

Meeting all the SteveHochman.com supporters and hearing about the INSANE amounts of success you were havening was easily one of the top 5 moments of my entire life.

Dude... The love at FBS09 was un-friggin-real!

So I want you to know that I mean this from the bottom of my heart... THANK YOU!

I am so proud of my two best friends Bedros Keuilian and Chris McCombs.  They completely DESTROYED it.

The undisputed innovator of blogging for profits Chris-mutha-fuckin-McCombs put on a sick Clinique on how to make multiple streams of income from your blog... Dude he broke it down like a mofo.

And my bro Bedros "How did I get this stain on my paints" Keuilian made the audience's head spin with MASSIVE "take immediate action" content!

Also my close friends Vince Delmonte and Valerie Waters brought the THUNDA big time!

Pete Shilling's cool as fuck!... Seriously I feel like we're brothers.
And so is Ryan Orrico, Pat Beith and my friend my down Unda Adam "Jatz Toohey.


FBS09 Had it ALL... Laughs, money getting, crazy-ass-videos, thousands of dollars in cash and prizes, alcohol and bloody violence!

That's right bloody violence!
See for yourself.

Read the rest of What The Hell Happened At FBS09

Posted in Blog by Steve Hochman | 24 Comments

Fitness Boot Camp Nightmare

p31-1Dude, the first boot camp I ever opened sucked hairy goat balls.

I remember it like it was yesterday... It was the day before Christmas Eve, I woke up at 4:30am and it was POURING RAIN and FREEZING COLD...

(Maybe not for the rest of the country but freezing for Cali lol)

Two girls showed up so I said what the hell... And made them workout in the rain.

Good times

The next few days were cold, wet and muddy...

Oh wait a minute... I just remembered I have video of it.

Check it out



So, after accidentally stumbling upon a boot camp GOLDMINE, Bedros "Multiple 7-Figure Income Streams" Keuilian and I created PROJECT X, which was finally unveiled at the FBS09... And if you were there then you know it was FRIGGIN CRAZY!

Oh ya, in case you still don't know... It's the greatest boot camp BUSINESS model on the planet... Fit Body Boot Camp.

The reason I say business model, is because unlike those other boot camps, this model was designed to be duplicated and replicated all the way up to seven figures.

Read the rest of Fitness Boot Camp Nightmare

The Evolution of Fitness Boot Camps


ATTENTION: This may affect you!

p30-2To understand the evolution of the fitness boot camp and how YOU CAN AVOID becoming extinct, listen up.

The second wave of fitness boot camps are here right now!

Let me explain.

It all started with military boot camps, also called basic training.   Usually these boot camps would last about 9 weeks.

Recruits would arrive soft and out of shape but leave supercharged fitness machines.  They would have a drill sergeant screaming at them to try to break them down, forcing all the recruits become one cohesive unit, then build them back up.

Well, some fitness dude got the idea of having a fitness boot camp for the GENERAL PUBLIC... And modeled it after a military boot camp.  And hey, it was pretty cool, especially since there was no competition.

p30-3Then shows like the Biggest loser, and Celebrity Boot Camp kick started a media frenzy resulting in boot camps (following this same model) poping up in every nook and cranny.

Then, one boot camp model became every popular... Mostly cuz it was the only official model around at the time...

The problem was "IT" copied the military model and everyone else copied "IT"

p30-4And that was fine... for the FIRST GENERATION.

But heads up... the second generation has begun, and it makes the old one look like a knuckle dragging caveman. Read the rest of The Evolution of Fitness Boot Camps

Posted in Blog, Boot Camp Marketing, Boot Camp Strategies by Steve Hochman | 34 Comments

Success And Life Style Strategies With Olympic Gold Medalist Peter Vidmar

p29-1So this guy comes in to one of my boot camps for a workout...
(My boot camp marketing pulls in the coolest folks)

The guy was a total stud!

When he left, one of my boot camp members said to me, "Dude, do you know who that was?  It's Peter Vidmar US Olympic Gymnastics Champion... The Only guy to score a perfect 10!"

So I Googled him and it turns out that he's also scored a perfect 10 in his business and family life!

So I said, "Dude, what's you secret, can I interview you for my fitness and boot camp marketing blog?"

He said sure, no problem... But the sweetest part is that I got to do the interview at his house (More like mansion!)

But first Check out this video from my visit to his house...
Read the rest of Success And Life Style Strategies With Olympic Gold Medalist Peter Vidmar

Posted in Blog, Lifestyle and Self Improvement by Steve Hochman | 2 Comments

Being A Personal Trainer At A Corporate Gym Sucks

p28-1Why am I running head first into a brick wall?

It's cuz I have a better chance at breaking through the wall, then earning six figures with personal training  at a corporate gym.

So then, why in the hell would a personal trainer purposely stay at a dead end corporate gym?

Well, there are two main reasons.

  1. That personal trainer doesn't know how EASY it really is to work for yourself.
  2. A mediocre personal trainer who has NO PASSION for being a fitness professional, and just wants a "job" to pay the bills.

If you're the second example and have no passion for fitness, then PLEASE, get out of the fitness industry now cuz Your giving us a bad rep!

However, if you want to have your VERY OWN FITNESS BIZ along with the income and respect that comes with it, then the "GREAT" Kaiser Serajuddin will show you how to... DUMP THE GYM!

Now hear it from the man himself...

[media: http://fitnessfranchiseblog.com/audio/kaiser.mp3]

Or you can download it below by right clicking and "save target as" or "save link as"
Interview with Kaiser

If you have ANY desire to stop working for the man, and start your very own successful fitness biz... Then check out Kaiser's new product! (Only available till Saturday)


Interview With Fitness Info Marketer Lee Hayward

p27-1I just interviewed my friend Lee Hayward to learn how he uses FACEBOOK to market his fitness information products.

BTW - He is making a KILLING on the internet 😀

Facebook has become HUGE, and is WAY cheaper and in some ways more targeted than advertising  for boot camps and group personal training on Google adwords.

[media: http://fitnessfranchiseblog.com/audio/lee.mp3]
Or you can download it below by right clicking and "save target as" or "save link as"
Lee Hayward Interview

Lee Hayward is an expert fitness info marketer and lives in New Finland Canada.
To learn more about Lee Hayward and his fitness products go here http://www.leehayward.blogspot.com and here http://www.leehayward.com

Fitness Boot Camp Marketing With Scott Colby

Hey, before you enjoy the fitness Marketing Tips from Scott Colby, Be sure to get the most INSANE and KILLER free boot camp marketing bonus gifts I've ever given - EVER!

Just enter your name and email in the box to the right where it says FREE BUSINESS TOOLS



Scott Colby runs fitness boot camps in Dallas Texas and is an expert boot camp marketer.

In this interview, Scott shares his boot camp marketing secrets using meetup, Facebook, blogs, craigslist, Ning,  and more.
p25-21[media:http://fitnessfranchiseblog.com/audio/ScottColby.mp3] Or you can download it below by right clicking and "save target as" or "save link as"
Scott Colby Interview

To learn more about Scott Colby check him out at www.TheAbsExpert.com/blog

picture-4Just enter your name and email below where it says (free business tools) for FREE instant Access to the "boot camp marketing MUTHA- LOAD!

Posted in Blog, Boot Camp Marketing, Fitness Marketing by Steve Hochman | 6 Comments

Networking vs. Not Working

Have you heard all the legends about boot camp and group trainers getting BOAT LOADS of new clients by networking, only to get rejected and feel like a cheap solicitor when you try it?


Well,  you're defiantly not alone, but the GOOD NEWS is that I've discovered an amazing method that not only gets other business's to refer you tons of clients, but they instantly kiss your ass within 23 seconds after meeting you.

One of my boot camp trainers had questions about using my "Network Referral System." and I thought you might want to listen in.



Or you can download it below by right clicking and "save target as" or "save link as"
Networking vs. Not Working

Be sure to leave a comment about your networking experiences Both good and bad...

Are Your Friends Pushers Or Pullers

p24-1I Just got off the phone with my buddy Bedros talking about how lucky I feel to have such an awesome group of friends.

Any time I need business advise, I just bring it to the group and PRESTO, I get my answer.  Hell, just about every conversation makes me thousands of dollars.

There's an old saying that goes, if you hang out with 9 broke friends, you'll become the 10th  broke one.

On the other hand, if you hang around with 9 wealthy friends, YOU'LL BE THE 10th WEALTHY ONE.

That's why  I feel so friggin lucky...


Why re-invent the wheel or try to figure out everything yourself.  NO WAY... Not me, I'm WAY too lazy for that.  Why would you spend hours on something when you could just hit speed dial and get the answer?

Plus, my bro's are all a bunch of marketers like me, and that's good cuz if I start talking about conversion rates, killer copy and force multipliers with anyone else, they just give me the "who farted face."

And the best part is that my group is always telling me "I can do it!!"  They pump me up and make me feel like I can literally do ANYTHING.

Read the rest of Are Your Friends Pushers Or Pullers

Posted in Lifestyle and Self Improvement by Steve Hochman | 27 Comments