If you're serious about boot camp marketing then you definitely want to get on TV.
Or even better, become the fitness expert in your community by having your very own weekly health segment on a local news station.
My good friend Leanne Ellington discovered that making that a reality really isn't that hard to do.
In fact, she's on several morning news shows on a regular basis.
And you don't need to have a masters in kinesiology or a best selling book either...
...Just a little personality and some persistence.
And to give you the "inside scoop" straight from a TV news producer on how to get on TV, Leanne is going to share this AMAZING interview.
[media: http://fitnessfranchiseblog.com/audio/producer interview.mp3]
Or you can download it below by right clicking and "save target as" or "save link
Download MP3
Here's a couple of pics of Leanne on the news... Pretty cool!
So to sum it all up...
I'm going to give you a very special FREE 1-on-1 15 minute coaching call with me.
On our call, I'm going to show you ONE way, to make exactly $2990 in 5 days.
In fact, your going to make $2990 in 5 days without spending a friggin dime on marketing.
And the coolest part of all is...
You can use this tactic to make $2990 in 5 days ANY time you want...
Imagine how good you'll feel when you use my tactic to make $2990 in five days...
You may even leave a cool comment on my blog...
Are you going to spend your $2990 wisely?
I'm sure you are,
Because only the smartest trainers read SteveHochman.com
So here's what you need to do next to set up your
free 1-on-1 coaching call with me...
... And make $2990 in 5 days.
I began using E.F.T. to auto debit my clients 9 years ago so I wouldn't have to do the ONE THING I HATE the most...
And that's being a friggin bill collector!
Pretty unexpectedly, I practically overnight I increased my revenue my 38%.
Another cool benefit of E.F.T is that you can just close your clients ONE TIME Vs. over and over again each time they have to resign.
Over the last 9 years I've seen and heard just about every objection possible, so I created the Steve Hochman method for overcoming excuses, objections and resistance to E.F.T.
The mind set - You'll have 99% less objections if you're prepared to walk away from the deal. Don't let potential clients dictate how you run YOUR business
The "walk away close" - Tell them to select a program, fill out their cc info, then "walk away" to get their nutrition plan.
If t they don't like giving out their credit card, then you say, no problem, I can use a voided check.
If they say they don't want to be on auto debit, tell them this is how we do it here. One of the reasons I get such amazing results with my clients, is because I don't have to spent time being an accountant or a bill collector, so I can dedicate way more time learning the latest, best, fastest and safest techniques for getting you in the best shape of your life.
If they still object to auto debit... Ask them to tell you their specific concerns. Never argue. Agree with their concerns. Then use the feel, felt, found method.
Ladies and gentlemen... boys and girls... Back by popular demand, is part 2 of Craig Ballantyne's five fitness marketing things you must do every month.
So without further ado...
Here's Craig (and his dog)
After a sloppy dog walk through melting snow and muck here in Toronto, I
started reviewing my daily "Guiding Documents" and realized I still owe you
the 2nd part of Dan Kennedy's "10 Things You Must Do Every Month".
I've also added a couple of extra fitness marketing bonus tips to help you get more
bootcampers and build your bootcamp empire. You'll notice a lot of these
tips come down to one thing - which I'll point out at the end of the article.
6. Brainstorm about your customers
When we're busy, it's too easy to avoid the "thinking" part of running a
business. But stop and set aside an hour - or better yet, an entire morning -
and take a good long look at what you're doing with your bootcamps.
Brainstorm - and debate with your trainers if applicable - what your
customers REALLY want. Would they prefer shorter workouts? More frequent
workouts? Could you survey your clients? And are you even listening to your
customers right now?
Your bootcamps don't have to be conventional. If you train ultra-busy moms,
maybe the traditional hour-long bootcamp isn't your best business model. You
don't have to follow-the-leader when you can BE the leader and offer a
better alternative for your market.
7. Create experiences
I hope your having an amazing week so far.
So I'm sitting here at my house, super excited to get started with the newest Fit Body Boot Camp owners that got on board.
And that's what it hit me!
Bedros and I are going to be spending a whole lot of time coaching, guiding and helping our new members roll out their mutliple six-figure boot camp locations.
We'll be leading our new FBBC members to an amazing lifestyle, where everday is an adventure, and every day you're living your dream.
So, it's pretty important that the fitness professionals that we accept, are a perfect fit for us, and we are a perfect fit for them too.
So Here's what I'm thinking
How to get on the news, in the paper and on the radio, while helping people in need and becoming recognized as the local fitness expert... Oh and marketing the crap outta your boot camp?
That's exactly what Fit Body Boot Camp is doing with the "Burn the Fat, Feed the Hungry" global charity.
Here's how it works... and how it can be your ultimate boot camp marketing strategy.
First you find a local charity.
Next you set a date to have a boot camp work-out-a-thon where 100% of the proceeds go to your charity.
Next you put out a press release about what you're doing.
Then you contact the editors and producers of your local news stations, news papers, and radio stations, and invite them to your event.
Next you get local businesses, your friends, and boot camp members to both come to your charity event, and of course spread word to their friends.
And because the bigger your event is, the more donations your charity will receive, they will be more than happy to use all of their connections and resources to promote your event, and get you maximum media exposure.
Hey - Steve here with a very special guest post from my friend Craig Ballantyne.
It blows my mind how Craig continually gets MASSIVE amounts of STUFF DONE as he continues to grow his fitness empire!
Craig was cool enough to share 5 of his top fitness marketing secrets you must do every month to explode your business this year.
So without further ado... Here's Craig.
Everyday I get up and start my day with a 60 minute dog walk here in Toronto. When I get home, I start work by reviewing 6 different secret documents that guide me, inspire me, and motivate me to keep pushing, and keep churning out the content, workouts, blog posts, and help for my clients.
One of those documents is a list of "10 things you must do every month" from one of Dan Kennedy's "No BS" business books. Each day I review one of the 10 and see how it can guide me on an email I'm writing, a product I'm creating, or even just how it can give me a kick in the butt to finish a project.
So what I've done for you is taken 5 of the 10 and applied them to your boot camp marketing. Review one of these everyday - Monday to Friday - and it will give you insanely effective ideas for getting more campers and keeping them happy.
Fitness Marketing Mindset Series #5
Having a mentor can mean the difference between growing your fitness empire as fast a super-sonic jet fighter or as slow as an old propeller plane.
Think about this for a second...
How many goals did you hit last year?
How many clients did you sign up?
How many boot camp locations did you open?
How much progress did you make getting other trainers to work for you?
How much income did you generate?
How much MORE of all this would you have accomplished with the right coach?
Fitness Marketing Mindset Series #4
If ya really think about it, every experience in life comes down to perspective.
For instance, if you go to the movies in the daytime, when you get out it seems really bright outside.
But it's no brighter than it was when you went in, it's just that your eyes became adjusted to the dark movie theater.
So in perspective to the "dark", the "light" seems SO much brighter.
I'm sure you've jumped into a hot tub and it felt boiling hot... Until you got used to it, then it felt soooo warm and relaxing.
Why? Perspective.
The same works with "fear"