It’s interesting to see how some Fitness Boot Camp have an amazing track record of getting referrals, but others, don’t.
This is usually a black and white situation. These businesses either get or they don’t.
This factor doesn’t necessarily have a direct correlation on either the business is a success or a failure but, being good getting referrals sure make it a whole lot easier to run your fitness boot camp business successfully.
On top of knowing how to market a fitness boot camp, you must understand that your prospects and clients are looking for results at first and you must be able to deliver it in order to survive in this business.
But, what now? You are delivering results but there are probably dozens of other personal trainers and boot camps in your area that are also doing so.
So? How do you stand out from this “fitness crowd?” How do you not only keep the clients but also have them refer their friends, families and co-workers to you?
The word that best encapsulates what you need to focus on is EXPERIENCE!
Aside from awesome results you must deliver an awesome experience, an experience that your prospects and clients are not able to find anywhere else.
By now you are probably asking yourself, but HOW? I share a few of the tools we use at Fit Body Boot Camp below.
Having a solid online presence for your Fitness Boot Camp Business is very important.
Below, I list the seven strategies that you must apply in order to dominate your local community online.
You might glance over and think that you have these taken care of but read through as you will find that the rabbit whole goes a little deeper to properly implement them.
1 – Google Places
Having a well setup Google Places account is a critical part for your fitness marketing strategy in this day and age. It’s the yellow pages equivalent of 10 years ago.
Google Places is so critical that I recommend that you hire a specialized company to set it up professionally for you.
Unless you are an Fit Body Boot Camp owner, in which case FBBC sets it up for you with always taking into consideration the latest tweaks implemented by Google. (more…)
One of the most asked questions by trainers that are considering starting a fitness boot camp business is "What do I do about marketing?", or a variation of this question. Marketing is a beast of it's own and can make or break your business. The great news is that when you join Fit Body Boot Camp your Marketing campaigns are "done-for-you" so you don't have to spend your time and dollars with trial and error. FBBC not only points you in the right direction but it also leads you there.
Here are Fit Body Boot Camp's 10 core Marketing strategies that are used. The best approach to use these systems is to have a yearly schedule where you have on or two of these campaigns going at any given time.
It’s also important to point out that you should never “give up” on any campaign after one try, if you use it and the results are less than expected, it’s a great exercise to revisit it at some point and make the necessary adjustments to make it better.
You never know when a certain campaign will work at it’s best because there are so many variables that can influence the outcome, some known and some unknown. So, read on and find out how to market a fitness boot camp. (more…)
Hi, I'm Anna Gallahan and I'm a personal trainer at North West Fitness Center.
A few months ago I was looking for better strategies and techniques for attracting and retaining more cash-paying clients for my personal training business. I needed to learn the fundamentals of operating my own business.
Training is my passion but my marketing techniques left something to be desired. I was just flying by the seat of my pants.
A good friend referred me to Bedros Keuilian’s products and I thought this would make a good review for others. I found his website and Sadly, in researching more about Bedros, I found a very small but incredibly hurtful attacks to not only his business products but also to his person. Once I found that those Bedros Keuilian scam claims where completely unfounded my mind was at easy so I purchased the PT Business course (aka The Art of Selling Fitness) and System 9.
I was blown away at how my business grew by implementing the sales strategies and revamping my pricing structure as Bedros recommended on the business course. My sales strategy before PT Business Course and System 9… I had no plan of attack with prospects and felt like I was a pushy car salesman and had no idea how to handle objections.
I now have a plan of attack with everyone I meet with and I don't have to worry about being pushy. Using the forms and manual provided made the whole process easy and painless. PT Business course provides all the health history, client agreement, and ready to launch marketing files I will ever need. I now have proven and reliable sales tactics at my fingertips.
There are marketing campaigns, e-marketing and persuasive selling and closing systems at my fingertips. My phone is ringing off the hook and I now have a competition free, recession proof training studio. (more…)

Hey - Steve here just back from Orlaaaaaando Florida.
We (Me, Bedros, McCombs, Ballantyne, and Delmonte) just completed teaching our first 100k Group Mastermind.
That's where we take 34 fitness professionals, and lead them stet-by-step to building their very own hundred thousand dollar a year information product.
We had SUCH A BLAST... The ENERGY in this group was AMAZING!
Can you imagine... in the next 12 months, 34 fitness professionals will will make an ADDITIONAL $100k income stream by helping thousands of others with their info products.
For example, "mean" Jannine Murray who is a top personal trainer in Victoria BC will have an info product coming out that is going help women all over the world have the perfect bootie...
And I feel like by helping Jannine, to help make better booties world wide, I'm actually helping create WORLD PEACE.
...What? I do! LOL
One of the coolest parts for me, was to watch my little brother David Tendrich gave a smash hit presentation on how to write money sucking sales copy.
But ya want to hear something funny/cute...
David and his girlfriend Lou Lou, crashed in my hotel room Friday night.
And ya know how it's usually the guy who spoons the girl...
Well, when I woke up, I looked over and Lou Lou was sleeping behind my bro, holding him, with her arm and leg draped over him.
He looked so sweet in Lou Lou's arms...
Like a little baby gazelle being help by a lion.
And I had a little moment LOL...
But here's what I want you to check out...
My brother just did a KILLER fitness marketing guest post on how to do a super genius Thanksgiving promo
I'm gonna tell you about how to get a free 60 minute coaching call with me in just a minute.
(My coaching clients usually make $6,279 within 1 week after the first call from one secret that I give them)
But first I want you to know how FRIGGIN COOL it was at FBS09 to meet so many peeps that made boat loads of cash-o-la form my blog.
One girl made 24k in two weeks with one of my tips... That was AWESOME 😀
Seriously, my #1 passion in life, besides being a daddy and husband, is helping fitness professionals make TONS of MULLA.
It's like an addiction... I literally get a high from it.
(Is that weird? Cuz I was on a lot of ADD meds as a kid and I think it messed with my brain a little)
So here's how to get a free 60 Minute
coaching call with me...
Leave a comment with exactly how my blog has helped you to over come an obstacle and make more money.
Be very specific...
What were you struggling with?
What was the tip, tactic or strategy that you applied?
Exactly how much money did you make?
How long did it take?
The blog is great, but there's nothing like one-on-one live mentoring.
After you leave your detailed comment, my assistant Ariel will contact you and set up your coaching call.
I can't wait to read your success story!
Talk to ya soon

I was GRILLING my best bud, the undisputed KING of fitness marketing Bedros Keuilian on his legendary CLOSING and SALES Tactics when that Leonard Wakerski guy did something so UNETHICAL, that you wont even believe it!

So the way I see it, you have TWO options...
Option #1
Order Leonard Wankerski's
"How To Trick Clients
Into Hiring You"
for $4997.00


Option #2
Order Bedros Keuilian's,
"How to Close
9 out of 10 Clients
on Big Ticket Packages" DVD
for $57 bucks

Can you believe that Leonard Wankerski guy?
How can he possible come out with a better product than my man Bedros who makes MILLIONS of DOLLARS a year with the very same sales strategies that he put on his close clients DVD for just $57 bucks
Grab your copy here (before there all gone)
And be sure to leave a comment if you have any Leonard Wankerski's in YOUR life... You know, those people that tell you:
-You can't
- you're not smart enough
- you're not good enough
- It won't work
Cuz those dudes need to be KICKED TO THE CURB immediately! (Like yesterday)
Guest post by Zach Hunt
I was always a little unusual as a kid, besides the fact that I never really talked to anyone in School (besides the teacher) I would usually read 1-2 books a week (while in class). Then go home, study computer programming books and work on that until like 2AM.
One thing I did have right was "I always stayed motivated to do my best at whatever my desire in life was".
Back then it was to learn as much as I could about programming languages (C++, Visual Basic, Delphi, whatever else). While programming has certainly come in handing creating my own website, my main motivation in life now is just massively crushing the competition in my fitness business here locally. That just brings a smile to my face just thinking about it.
Some of my favorite books on the topic of motivation, mindset and success are...
- "Psycho-Cybernetics", by Dan Kennedy.
If you haven't read this one yet, definitely check it out immediately.
- Goes right with "How To Win Friends And Influence People", for me, that one being about how to interact with others, this one how to interact with yourself (sorta).
It goes like this, "The essence of Psycho-Cybernetics is the accurate, calm, and ultimately automatic separation of fact from fiction, fact from opinion, actual circumstance from magnified obstacle, so that our actions and reactions are solidly based on truth, not our own or others' opinions."
- Basically not limiting yourself based on your perceived limits or perceived limitations from others,
- Letting yourself out of the box to just be bold, aggressive and fearless in your life.
- There are so many great nuggets of truth in this book,
whenever I read this book I felt like jumping out and doing something bold and fearless. (more…)
By David Tendrich (Steve Hochman's little bro)
My little bro is making piles of extra cash-o-la in his spare time from his guitar lessons biz while he's going to college. To be honest, when I was his age I was throwing water balloons at dudes from the 7th floor of the dorms. Damn I miss that... Good times.
But what's really cool is that he gets 100% of his clients by marketing on craigslist all for FREE!
(I guess this business stuff runs in the family or something cuz he's KILLING IT)
So my little bro wrote this 5 five step fitness marketing system that will have you dominating Craigslist too. (He really went ALL OUT SO BE SURE TO LEAVE A COMMENT J)
Step 0: What you MUST do before you write an ad!
In order to effectively tell people why your service is so great, you have to know for yourself. I'm sure you know why you're the best out there, but maybe you've never put it into words.
Create two lists:
- List 1 is an in-depth list of every service you offer
- List 2 is a list of all the benefits someone would receive from hiring you.
Go into as much detail as possible. You will draw from these lists to write your whole ad.
Now onto the actual ad . . .