Hey - Steve here with a killer guest post from my man Ben Corliss.
Ben has very out-of-the-box way to keep his client's accountability sky high, and he was cool enough to share it.
Aaaand Heeeeer's BEN >>>
Hey Steve!
Here's my Attendance Accountability Agreement I told you about on facebook.
This came about for a couple reasons:
1. Something I hear ALL the time from people is "I need motivation"
2. I absolutely HATE all the bullshit excuses people come up with for why they
"don't have time to work out!"
So this little formula addresses both of those issues, it definitely helps motivate
people to keep showing up to class AND it makes them think a lot harder about
their excuses and makes them schedule their plans around their workout rather
than schedule their workout around their plans
There's a couple ways you can do it.
The easiest way is if you have some kind of software that tracks your member's attendance, or you can do what I like to call "the ghetto way"
It's basically just a role sheet spreadsheet for each week with every member on it and I require them to check in each class.
But either way works.
My fee is $4.50, and I charge $95 a month for my memberships which equates to $4.50
a class so their fee is actually the price of the class they missed, BUT since they are
paying for the class anyway, if they miss a class they actually wind up paying DOUBLE